Dynamism of love

Love to us can be viewed in different ways, love simply means having an affection towards someone, who be anybody in quote, might be you mother siblings, father, wife etc.
But in this case, we are actually talking about love that had to do with affairs, i.e having an opposite gender as a lover.


But do you know love might actually depreciate?...Different people has different taste and spec in other gender, I mean I have lots of stories of what some girls love in men, some prefers height, to some they want a a dark guy with pink lips...lol, some they want a rich man no matter how unattractive he might be etc, while some guys also have their spec in ladies, some just want a soft and obedient girl with a touch of stubbornness, some goes with physical shape ( I mean you all know what am talking about), these are the things that makes love depreciate when there's a change.
Imagine a man that preferred and married a slim lady, who later becomes fat and birth, such marriage might not last. We have all heard of different stories similar to the case. A lady might also be interested in a guy because of his six packs but afterwards the six packs becomes pot belle, it might later be a turn off for such lady.

It's not bad to have a spec in an opposite gender, but it's unwise to love the person because of such things, love is meant to be wholeheartedly, without any reason but now things seems otherwise.

Though I had always been a guy that likes average height and chocolate skinned or light skinned girls, that's my preferred spec, but unfortunately I have never dated any girl of my spec, and I have loved them wholeheartedly, that's how love is supposed to be but here we are in an era of conditional love.

Talking about love language, truthfully everyone had their love language and it differs to each other, love language actually means the best way a person prefers to express love to and also receive it.
There are many ways one could express love but what you actually think is the best way of expressing love might be turn off to another person.

I mean we have seen girls that wants thier boyfriend to always beat or scold them or even be harsh on them, 😂😂😂... sounds funny right?... but it's true that is their love language. I am a kind of guy that takes communication (both physical or long distance) so seriously in a relationship, that's my love language, I can call my girlfriend almost every hour which I also expect her to reciprocate, if she doesn't it means it's a one side love which I despise.

Any girl that doesn't care about communication to me is a red flag!



It’s actually funny
For those girls who want really harsh men, they are just funny

I wasn’t understanding what you meant by love depreciates, I do now.


I think that girls that want their partners being has on them may just be going through some trauma from their earlier lives. Cause that doesn’t make sense in any way.


Yeah...it doesn't make any sense though, but they'll actually have a reason for that, and as you've said , it may be a result of a past truama
