Intentionally making moves to list as many shops as possible.


Hello Hive,

Being here is a privilege and not a right. That's why I'm extremely working hard to see the growth and extension of this community to as many as can listen or are interested. Even if i go and was not accepted in some shops or with some business owners, i will go again and again to many other places spreading this good news which i have tasted and proven to be trusted and real.

Many reasons for my consistency are that many people see particular things in different ways and attribute different meanings to the same thing according to everyone's perspectives and understanding.

Sometimes ago, myself @ijebest and @maraja who is the local guide in the area where we live, we went out together on a certain day. Going from shop to shop explaining and making people to understand that it's possible to get quality discounts from their purchases as from 25% to as high as 45% from their daily purchases.

@maraja and @ijebest in the field hunting for businesses that will accept hive dollars and be listed too.

So many of them couldn't believe it. It's hard for them to totally understand or believe because people are very careful these days about what they do and how they do them, due to the logical thinking pattern and reasoning of "Ndi Aba" coupled with so many promises and fake assumptions people porpot to others online that has made so many to become "Doubting Thomases"

I have intentionally decided to keep moving, disclosing this reality to as many as those that will listen and apply this yielding method into their daily lives to make the benefits..... Yeah... We are moving and conquering at every moment and on every corner.
We explained to all these stores and shops about our mission, they referred us to another day, I'm encouraged to keep going and talking till they accept hbd as their payment methods which is our goal and expectations. I know by the rate we are spreading this good news, in no distance time hbd will become the accepted fiat for all buyings and sellings.

This is an eatry place, big guys are fund of gathering here to enjoy their monies in the evenings, the manager asked us to come again to meet the CEO, hopefully we will go again and get them listed.

This is a boutique full of clothes and this is the owner who arguementally told us he only needs his Naira money, cash and carry. He said, "i do not do anything with any currency online, i only need my naira" That was pomp and plain answers.

This is the MOBIS barber salon, you can see the barber doing his job very well. He also pleaded we should come again, let him reason and articulate all we had explained to him about spending HBD and getting discounts from @distriator. In his words,

" Madam, i have heard all you said, but give me time to reason and articulate it, you will surely come again."
We are hopeful he will respond positively next time we get to his shop, we are not giving up on this at all.

Thank you everyone for reading through my post, we are all in this together. We shall all achieve greatness together, let's go. Please comment and vote for me.

My sincere regards to @spendhbd community,
Thank you @distriator app,

I celebrate your great mind, @sterkez.

Thank you for everything, we are solidly with you and this great vision.



You are persevering in your endeavours - all the best wishes. At least some people were willing to consider your proposition. If they understand the concept of a stable coin that will make it easier since the naira fluctuates in value. Keep up your good work.


Wow oooo 😂, thank you so much my dearest friend, that's the issue. They seem to keep holding on on the failing naira than to move up to all these coins that are stable and real. Most of them do accept for the listing but some are very difficult to convince.

Thank you 🙏
