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Based on a true story.

The Osage are moved from state to state by the Federal government as it decides that it needs their land more than the people that live there. Finally ended up in the hellhole of Oklahoma, they are starving and dying and while burying a peace pipe that represents the end of their culture, discover oil. The Osage are immediately Rich and turn into high society folks even as their Oil riches are controlled by white men who they must petition for their spending money.

Of course, white men start marrying Osage women and Osage begin dropping like flies as their money slowly passes to the white men. Chaos ensues.

Robert De Niro plays Robert De Dino as a Rich Cattle Baron who has been playing the Osage for years as a benefactor while secretly being the ringleader behind the deaths of so many Osage. One son married one Osage woman, killed her off and then quickly married her sister.

Leonardo DiCaprio plays a room temperature IQ soldier returning from war and immediately falls into line marrying an Osage woman, helping murder most of her family and slowly poisoning her with tainted insulin. All while seemingly being in love with her. His actions make no actual sense as he attempts to protect her and his children that he loves while killing everyone she loves. Like I said, room temperature IQ.

Oh and Brendan Frasier is HUGE.

Eventually, the Federal Government steps in to investigate and the second half of the movie begins.

The movie is 3 hours and 26 minutes long. You are never bored, but it does seem like the story could have been told just as well in 2 hours. The funny part is that the last piece of the plot is wrapped up in 2 minutes of scrolling text to let you know how things ended. It's as if they had 5 hours of movie shot and eliminate the last hour and a half with the wrap-up.

Fun: It's not meant to be fun. It's a sad movie about greed and the evil of white men who were involved in the Osage Murder trials (Hale–Ramsey Murder Case).

Preachy: Yeah, a bit. Every white male is evil, Osage are pure hearted Indians who are very religious and community oriented. But it's not what i would consider an over-embellishment of the truth. The Osage Murders happened. The Trial happened.

At 3 hours and 26 minutes, bring your stunt bladder.

Thanks Alot for reading

I am Igbokwe Amaka an Igbo lady with a prestige to learn and impact in the hive space and more. I grow up in a beautiful Africa country Nigeria and graduated from Port Harcourt polytechnic Nigeria.png
