Weekend Chronicles: Sleep Schedules, Workout Beats, and Memes to End the Weekend

image using Ai.

it's another sunday that will come to an end in some hours and life will be back to normal working days routine. Days move pretty fast when you're busy and have so much to do.

But when you've to deal with a problem in life than it your day start to feels like never ending thinking about how you're going to deal and survive that situation.

This weekend something like that happened and I just can't talk more about it.. don't know why but doesn't seem to be comfortable sharing that but I hope good days are there and hard time won't last for long.

Anyways, for this weekend I've some new memes to share with you guys and hope you'll enjoy this edition.

When the only problem was doing game missions

I remember as a kid problem in life used to be like how come I'll do this mission in game. Some of those missions used to be that helicopter one in GTA vice city

Also that final boss mission in project IGI and other games used to be so difficult but once you did accomplished, the satisfaction used to be so good.

There's two wolves

One is always whispering in your ear to quit and give up - that's like weak version of you

And there's another wolf in you that gives you the finest advice

Enough strength to keep going no matter how bad things are cause you know it's only seems impossible until it's done.

No way to fix sleeping schedule

I should've realised this early that it's just not possible to fix sleep schedule anymore because of how normal it's now to stay up till late night and

Personally I feel more energetic and runs on adrenaline at night

in daylight I don't hit those adrenaline levels as much as I do at night when I'm working, seems like this is the only time when you can work to build from bottom.

Listen everyone but do your own thing

One thing I noticed in a lot of people is that they all "give free advices" to everyone they meet and no matter if their intentions are good while giving those advices

Some of those advices are always terrible and no one wants to take terrible advice

So, doing your own thing after getting told what you should do is a different kinda satisfaction especially when you get good results by believing in yourself, it boost confidence.

Fein Fein and Workout

Working out while listening to music is my favourite thing and when you hear that energetic song or beat like my favourite nowadays is Fein by Travis Scott and carti

Music gives that main character energy while doing workout and you can literally feel the pump coming in while lifting weights.

wrapping up...

In the end I hope you enjoyed this week memes edition and would love to know which one of the meme you relate most. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments and memes with frens.


memes created using meme generator app.

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Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 15/09/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Love the new memes..
That homelander look is so relatable 😂😭😭


Well I think these motivation comes and go but discipline stays forever isn't it.!
