Turning Market Lows into Learning Highs: My Path to Becoming a Better Trader


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This year is so far more like a rollercoaster ride but mostly to the downside and didn't have much fun Honestly because of these choppy crypto market.

Kind of ruined my summer vacations but when I made mistakes and realised it's not in my control anymore.. it is better to stay away from the market

And while I'm not doing anything other than holding coins and hoping everything to go back up

I thought why even waste time? When we can learn and improve. Honestly, best thing you can do when crypto market is boring is learning and improving.

Everything is available on internet for free - Not learning is your laziness

I see beginners blaming they don't know where to start from and they get lured by those paid group leaders where they teach you support and resistance for $50 per month subscription.

But the fact is everything far more better educational content related to trading crypto or stock is found on the internet.

And personally nowadays that source of content to learn and improve my trading is none other than X.

I've been following some of OG's and great crypto personalities who have posted educational content for free and is available on their profile that is so helpful.

I added so many tweets in bookmark to learn and take notes but I was just too lazy to read them and understand the concept.

Now these days I got time to clear those bookmarked tweets and learn what I was missing.

I learnt the entire concept of EMA's

Knew the basic already but wanted to understand more and how I can make my own trades by just seeing those EMA on charts.

It's an indicator used by most of traders and it is much more accurate and easy.

Timeframe matters, state of the market, micro event it all matters when you're trying to make thesis using Ema.

Learnt order of EMA, slope of EMA, Gaps and Support or resistance using EMA's..

All of these are available anywhere on internet and I'm thinking to make my own study material like notes on hive while I'm learning to clear my own concept.

Applied in a trade

Rune nowadays is looking good and showing strength so thought to see it and when I saw chart was like that on bottom.

And had bullish EMA cross, thought to long it with max lev.

Fortunately instead of getting liquidated I survived and exited when it rejected from that resistance over $4 for the 3rd time in a row.

But i still need to learn a lot of things now when market is not that much interesting.

Wrapping Up...

The point is we all need to make a habit of improving ourselves everyday even if it's just 1% change.. we should continue to compound it for long term.

I was just lazy not learning when I had time and now when I realised my mistakes are costing me my time and efforts.. it is better to get back in senses and do the right thing, the right way.

In next coming days I'll share whatever I'll learn to clear my concept as well as it could help others. So, I'm curious what's your thoughts on this in the comments.


Your support is much appreciated. Don't Forget to hit Upvote, Comment and Re-blog.

Thanks for reading.

All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 20/08/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Trading is not for the faint of heart, especially in crypto. You will have losses but that is just a part of it. The best thing is just learning how the markets operate and figuring out your specific strategy before really diving in. This can be done by backtesting and paper trading so you don't lose any funds.


Indeed, the more we learn and search for a better strategy that gives us more control in the market, more better it is...I tried paper trading but the emotions factor is always missing while doing that.


That's the point... You want to keep emotions out of it. So the more you practice keeping your emotions out of trading the better. You can also find a mechanical trading strategy which basically keeps you trading by certain rules that you set, and just trading it like a robot. Trading is all about statistics. Just because something doesn't work out once or twice doesn't mean anything. Try that strategy with 100 trades and see what the results would be. Use chart backtesting as well to help hone in on your strategy. That's why I built my own indicator, which you can also use on TradingView. Just look up the Logical Trading Indicator and add it to your charts and it will help let you know when buy and sell.


The point is we all need to make a habit of improving ourselves everyday even if it's just 1% change.. That's it friend, improvement remains a necessity. Personally, I am invest a lot of energy on learning and improving. Wishing you the best out of trades but always remember, it's a tough dice.


Indeed you're right!

It's a tough one.. will take chances to make it easy.
