The Ultimate Financial Reset: How a Maximum Earnings Limit Could Change the World

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We all have seen people saying rich are getting richer but I've rarely seen anyone giving a solution how come we can make things fair in this world where at some point rich people are just known as rich, not getting more richer.

I've this concept in my mind that could solve this whole situation without any chaos. We'll live in a world where rich people will live happily and so the other people will also become rich over the time.

It's going to be a compounding effect and this theory came into my mind out of nowhere that I believe you'll find interesting so let's dive deep.

The impact of having Maximum Earnings limit

I honestly think there should be some sort of limit on earning money like once you reach that maximum limit you can't earn more than that.

In this world we have plenty of billionaires who have like 90% of wealth and rest 10% or something is whatever left for the common people.

But only if there such a maximum limit than the wealth distribution would make more sense.

image by Tumisu from Pixabay

The way I want to distribute things will be like no one is getting hurt or unhappy from what they're left with.

Maximum earnings means the amount of money that's enough to spend for the rest of your life = retirement money.

Probably 10 Million or make it double or triple that.

So if someone earn maximum 50 million dollars that would be enough for him to spend without worrying of going broke.

Once you reach maximum earning limit, you start working for other people

I want to see a world where people like Elon musk who have reached maximum earnings of let's say 50 million dollars but they want to continue their work, do whatever they did to make that wealth

But the money they make after they reached maximum earnings won't go into pocket of Elon musk.

image from Pixabay

Instead it'll be distributed to people working under him and than other people and other people.

You're not going to be alone eating that pie, but you'll be one making easy for other people.

It's like you've reached your maximum potential now let's help your brother, neighbor and so on.

Wealth distribution among all - equally

There's like so many billionaires and if all of those billionaires have distributed that wealth in a way that makes other poor one's come out of poverty

image by Stephan Westphal from Pixabay

It would be so peaceful and no one would ever sleep hungry in this world as far I think.

This idea of maximum earnings doesn't mean that if you've earned 50 million once and you've spent all of that money than you can't make a single penny again for yourself

But it'd be like some years limit - maybe 5 or 10 years.. you can't earn for yourself, your money goes to other deserving people

And once than those other deserving people reached that maximum limit they'll have to give rest of money to others and others

More like the flow of money from one rich person to next poor person and next rich to next poor till there's no poor person.

Wrapping Up...

In the end it's just far away from reality like we know government wants us to spend years in college studying to get a degree for Job and after getting a job we'll work till 60 and than die at last.

This is the life cycle and it'll stay like this for upcoming centuries. It's just in my head that I wish it was possible we as human could benefit other human who's not even getting fed properly in a day.

It's just a harsh reality, I hope someday we'll see the change and there'll be a time when none will sleep hungry and people will be living a better life. I'm curious to know what you think about this concept of mine. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 22/08/2024.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I honestly think there should be some sort of limit on earning money like once you reach that maximum limit you can't earn more than that. Hahahaha, you are joking right? In a world of greed and laziness, the poor will always be among. It's a sad truth. I'll advice you do your best to support as many as you can, not everyone cares.
