The Impact of Rehab: Can Rehabilitation Transform Criminals into Productive Citizens?

In this world there's like a lot of people who have committed crimes in life and some of them are just wondering around the streets without getting caught but those who are caught are getting punished for what they deserves.

in some places even the criminals who are caught easily gets bailed out and it is just absurd but this one thing we know as rehabilitation centre have one job that is to make criminals a better person.

You Believe In Rehab? : Transition from criminal to better human

In our society there are multiple rehabilitation centres and all their purpose is to make positive impact in life of people such as criminals or people with other addiction.

I do believe rehab can bring positive change in a person. It's a fact that your surroundings and where you live have impact on your life and behaviours.

image by Klaus Hausmann from Pixabay

So, once you're in a rehabilitation centre it means there's people around you to remind what kind of person you could become in this society.

A criminal or a drug addict and a person with any other addiction is most likely going to do nothing good for the society and can't function: no job, family won't let you go near, no friends and people who trust you.

So, to become a functioning person of this society there's no other way than rehabs centre.

Some criminals can serve their time in jail and than come out clean completely a better person by just taking some rehabs but only if they want to change.

Some criminals just don't want to change

There's no rehabilitation centre on earth that could fix some of criminals because they never want to change. it is like they don't have any reasons or will to be any better person.

image by Patrick Grüterich from Pixabay

Just like that batman movie quote when joker said: some men just want to watch the world burn and so the criminals are like that too.

Those who have committed severe crime are the lost ones. I believe no rehabilitation centre can change them just because they don't want to accept that they're wrong.

From addiction to a healthy life

I remember this one relative kid in my family used to have bad company (friends) who got him addicted to drugs and stuff like that.

When the parents found out his condition, first thing they did was getting him into rehab.

image by Ryan McGuire from Pixabay

That rehab for him was like a cage where he had to spend until the detox worked and he was completely a changed person like a normal one free from drugs and that addiction.

The way he reacted when his parents got him admitted in that rehab centre was like "I hate you guys" and never coming to home.

But when he came out of that rehab centre he was so grateful about it and the second he came out of that place.. he found a job and started working on himself with better people.

Wrapping Up...

So it's true that rehab centres can bring a lot of positive changes in behaviour and habits of person be it criminal who want to change or an addicted person.

People can become functioning in the society like any normal person and these rehabs centre's are good at it. In the end I'd love to know what do you think about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 08/06/2024.

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Rehabilitation Centre in Lahore has failed to change criminal mindset. They are just providing them another chance to commit the same crime. Hence it will be better if we Punish them and they will leave a good impact on others. I like Joker's words in the movie. We've to save this world from burning now.


Well, every department has failed in our country it's not just rehabs centre but everything else too.

There's no justice system so they easily get bailed out and walking on streets.



You have said it all in this article dear friend. Criminal activities has now become a way of life in some of our communities. However there are some criminals that can become better after rehab and there are those that even rehab can't help. I just pray those that rehab can't help would just disappear😂


Yea, feels the same way about such criminal who don't feel ashamed of their crimes.



When a problem has gotten to the stage if addiction, it's so hard to convince the person to be a better person, even the rehabilitation services might be effective but not a hundred percentage.


It is indeed hard, but it is possible to bring changes within that person. Detox a slow process.



Nothing is indeed impossible.
But it could be very hard.


Too some extent rehabilitation centers are good and a few are quite trying their best but then it all voiced down to the people if they are willing to change else their is nothing anyone can do about it.
