Overpopulation Dilemma: Is Regulating Family Size the Key to Economic Growth?

Image by Mabel Amber from Pixabay

one of the biggest problems most underdeveloped countries are facing is overpopulation. It's like the root of most problems faced in the country.

there's like some countries where birth rate is low and population is way too less compared to only few countries in Asia continent like china, India and Pakistan alone is carrying almost half of world population.

Countries especially underdeveloped one with overpopulation should just simply regulate x amount of kids a family can have to control birth rate.

Like China have this policy to control it's birth rate

The time when china population was grown too much, they have to bring this policy that was to have one child in a family in 2015.

Like a family can only have one child, late they changed that to "two child's in one family" and after COVID in 2021 they changed it to "3 childs in one family".

Image by Bernd Müller from Pixabay

After all these years with child birth rate control their population dropped and had record low birth rate.

It makes sense to have as many child's as you want when the country is developed and don't have that much population as well as "if family have enough resources to take responsibility of those child's" it makes sense to have no limitations.

But when country is economically weak, Families are financially weak

Image by joakant from Pixabay

Like our country economy is one of the worse one and there's no sign of recovery or growth, mostly families are financially weak and majority of people are poor.

One thing that's constant in our country is "marriages" this is like one booming business that will end up more profitable than last year because we've much population and young ones are in lines waiting to get marry.

The consequences of no family planning

One reason most families are poor and end up being more poorer is because they don't do any kind of family planning.

After marriage, mostly educated family have like this mindset "we want two child" but here it's kinda rare to see someone with a family plan.

Also most people just get marry when their financial conditions are already weak, they get loan and marry which they have to pay off eventually but than they've to manage kid expenses but in loans imagine how bad it can get.

How many child in a family is an ideal one?

It should depend on factors like financial conditions, bloodline of family like some people are financially strong enough to have more than three child's while some can't take responsibility of one single child.

A state limiting people to have child depending on their financial status would be controversial but I believe that's the only way.

Image by AURELIE LUYLIER from Pixabay

It'd make sense to have one or two kids in the lower class, two, three in the middle class and upper class compared to their resources can afford to have more. So be it like that, nothing unfair in this but it's just better for the child coming to this world.

I've seen kids on streets thrown by parents to go beg and it's like they're using children to make living. I don't think it should be even allowed to marry if you can't afford one time meal, but than again it's something controversial, everyone have their own point of view and opinions.

Wrapping Up...

I believe many of problems we're facing in our country can be controlled easily if there's control in birth rate and make it necessary for families to do planning.

It's just some undeveloped nations where we have this problem while developing one's have low birth rate which is another problem for them, we can't have balance in this world? Feel free to share what do you think about it in the comments.


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All the content and images are mine except indicated. No copyright infringement intended. 20/05/2024.

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So you are basically for the government controlling every aspect of your life, including your right to reproduce, which is a basic foundation of this thing we call life? The problem in those areas are corrupt governments. Fix that problem, and the population will thrive. The people have to want a change for it to happen. If people are complacent on the government taking care of them, we will NOT progress. Government and regulation never fixes anything.


I'm against people who aren't capable of being parent yet they're.

child's suffer most because of parents, if they can't even raise a child or provide meal three times a day which is a case in most third world countries, you'll see kids being used as beggars, other street works because of parents.

It's not just government that's corrupt, people are even more corrupt.


That's a problem everywhere, not just third world countries. It's an issue in the US too, but more regulation is not going to stop or help anything.


One thing that's constant in our country is "marriages" this is like one booming business that will end up more profitable than last year because we've much population and young ones are in lines waiting to get marry.

This part got me laughing 😅

The Chinese tried so well in regulating that childbirth rate.
It's doable by any nation if a law is enforced.


This part got me laughing 😅

Hah, it's a fact.

Yeah, they did well... Don't see this thing taken seriously by any other nation.




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I'm also against those that have many kids that they can't take good care of, I believe people should know their limit when it comes to giving birth so that their children won't turn to scavengers later in life.


I think this needs to be implemented in Nigeria, especially families with low earning rate. Why should you bring children to the world more than you can care for?.

Low birth rate would reduce the number of abadoned children roaming about who in one way or another get influenced by bad people and they themselves become a problme to the society. It would also help conserve the national resources for many next generations to see.


yea, people don't have control and lack to provide.

There's Good sides of it. Only they implement anytime in future.



I found it both amusing and hilarious when China adjusted the one-child law. I knew it would come to that. I don't get why the government would police people's reproducing free will. Sometimes, biology can defy the rules, too. I would rather that there are penalties put in place for anyone who birthstone children that they can not provide adequate care for.
