Is History Holding Us Back? How the Past Shapes—and Limits—Our Future

we all have been told that history repeats itself and everyone of us had studied "history" subject in school, it used to be my favourite subject back when I was kid but growing up

I started losing my interest in history and by the time when I was in 9th grade it was at that moment when I don't had to study history subject anymore.

This whole idea of studying past events, characters doesn't make most sense except for some cases or references where we can gain wisdom or insights from historic personalities who started revolutions, created inventions.

But there's a part of history subjects that sucks and that part is when:

You're supposed to Memorize Dates for this and that historical event

There are MCQ's aka quizzes or questions where you'll have to tell what major event happened on year i.e: 1453 and till date I know on that year it was the fall of the Constantinople


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But what I'm supposed to do with that date in 2024? Yea, it won't help me in life but that's still just knowledge

we just want to remember the sacrifices of the people, action they took and everything major that happened in past so that coming generation learn from mistakes of those and do better.

I used to hate losing marks because I wasn't able to remember what day or year that event happened in exams and that part of history sucks.

History is one of reasons why humanity is here

Without the history, I believe humanity would be lost or doomed long ago. Today we have digital assets like bitcoin and other stocks

image by GregoryButler from Pixabay

It's possible because we kept our history secured. We know how this and thing thing evolved because someone thought it'd be good for future generations if we wrote this detail in the history books.

One of interesting subject to ever exist because it gives you different perspective about different situations. We take ideas from past, there's many leaders and personalities who said some words that are pure knowledge and words of wisdom that just helps us in life.

But now I'm more into future

At this point in my life I don't want to stuck in the past reading history books but I want to see what could possibly be there for me in the future.

We don't have future classes like history classes - right?


image by Alexandra_Koch from Pixabay

If I'm not wrong Kanye west said this once that there's no future class but history classes cause they want us to believe "history repeats itself" so we don't see/create the future

Only if we were taught to be more optimistic about ourselves and humanity by looking into future.. it's all imagination that turns into reality at some point in future. So, with combined imagination of multiple people perspective about future, we can really shape a good one.

Wrapping Up...

In the end I feel like as we get more and more mature we lose interest from history and start showing more interest in future

Since we all are more interested in making our future better, we think about that more than past events. Though I'd love to know what's your thoughts on this, do share in comments.

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