Hollywood’s Crime Genre: Storytelling or Glorifying Criminals for money?

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I have watched so many movies related to crime that I've started to believe I can easily solve a crime scene anytime now. Crime in cinema is one of my favourite genre, series or movies both are something I watch with passion.

Most of the time the crime based movies or series are truly based on reality and we can say they're trying to gloryfy crime by making these movies and documentaries on the criminals.

There's some of things I've noticed when I watched movies from this crime genre that I'd like to point out ahead in this blog.

The dark side of Crime Genre

When I started watching movies related to crimes of all kind like murders these criminals brutally do in real life and than it end up as a movie sometimes.

At first I couldn't watch insensitive content that was shown in the series or movies and my reaction everytime there's a crime scene in the beginning was "hell no, I'm not watching or keeping my eyes on this" it used to be ridiculous to watch that.

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But after I got more invested in this crime genre, somehow I got rid of that feeling where I was surprised and felt horrible watching that murder or whatever disgusting thing serial killers do with victims.

The moment I realised It's not normal watching those scenes without feeling anything wrong that was like an alarm I shouldn't watch it anymore and I guess it happens with lots of people who watch tons of crime movies and shows.. they don't feel the same way as the first time ever again.

Gloryfying crime isn't okay, but it's business

We all know how Hollywood is sinking as they're only bringing trash superhero or woke agenda in every movies

The crime genre has a long history and it's been favourite of many. They're not Gloryfying criminals or crime but it's just easy for these people.

Selling stories to people by making these movies and shows on criminals like Dahmer and worst than that.

I never knew about Jeffery Dahmer until I heard there's a series and I honestly dropped that series after 4 episodes just because it was way too awkward and hard to watch.

These movies either inspire people or scare them

We never know who will end up taking inspiration from some serial killer shown in the movies and going to choose that same exact path hoping someone in the future will make series about them.


image by MariaD42530 from Pixabay

And secondly crime genre is supposed to put fear in heart of people, showing how it's going to end if you did something wrong to someone, you will not only ruin your life but that other person too and their family, your family, the society around you.

So I think the purpose of these movies is to stop crimes, it doesn't have anything to do with increasing rate of crime

The dark side I told earlier in this post is only alarming thing that could possibly happen to anyone and that's why in my opinion it makes sense to not watch crime based movies too much.

Wrapping Up...

I don't remember the last time when I watched a crime based movie but the favourite one of mine is "zodiac" and it was based on true event.

No one could ever find that serial killer and even there's rumors he himself watched that movie. So, it's worse in cases like this.

Doesn't make sense to gloryfy crime but again it's money and business for them. In the end I'd love to know what's your thoughts about it, do share in the comments.


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Those kind of movies do inspire people, most especially to our kids. it is not the best. i just wish that it was eradicated totally
