The Healing song for everyone

I hate going to the hospital, the only time you’d see me happily go to the hospital is when I go to visit a newborn baby.

Going to my appointments and visiting people at the hospital can be pretty challenging for me as I do not always come back the same.

I went to the hospital today to visit my friend who is sick and as usual, I tried so hard to not look at the different sick people that were in the building and I also tried to ignore the sound of people groaning in pain.


Whenever I make this hospital trip I am always reminded of how lucky I am to be healthy, I am not on any form of medication, and have no underlying ailment just me somewhere in my little apartment getting worked up because of the little acne that appeared on my face or having eye bags.

These sorts of trips always make me reflect on my life. As a person with a very low threshold of pain falling ill and undergoing various procedures would definitely take a toll on me. While I am grateful to God for being hale and hearty, my heart goes out to every single sick person who’s down with one ailment or the other, and may every one of them make it out alive.

We sometimes take our health for granted until we fall sick.
As someone said, one of the fastest ways to spend all of your money is to fall sick and this is so true.

My friend has been sick for a while as she spent the greater part of 2024 in the hospital. She’s one of the bravest warriors that I have ever seen, she’s almost at the finish line of her treatment.

Staring at my friend broke my heart, my once energetic and goofy friend was lying on the bed and was connected to various machines and it hit me so hard that life is truly unpredictable.


I came across this healing song recently and I’ve been listening to it and I thought to share it with you all.

The title of the song is Get Well Soon by Emergency Mouse. The song was released in 2024.
It’s a special song and everyone who is sick needs to listen to it.

Get Well Soon Is a song of hope and faith that encourages people who are sick to get well soon. It’s not an ordinary song, it’s a song with a deep meaning and always soothing to listen to.

Get well soon, nothing else matters
The world will wait for you,
you just get better

While a lot of sick people are already frustrated with their current health status and are at the point of giving up, this song is a constant reminder that there’s still hope and their recovery means a lot to themselves and everyone else who cares about them.


You will heal,
Just need to be patient.

This healing song needs to be heard by everyone who’s fighting one ailment or the other.

This song is a big inspiration to not just sick people but also to friends and families of these people who at some point might have been weighed by the illness of their relatives or friends.

It’s a song that believes so much in recovery and healing.

Get Well Soon

This is such a beautiful song and I recommend it to anyone who is battling with any ailment or friends and families of anyone sick.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰


This is beautiful ❤️ and I love the lyrics…music means a lot to me, especially when I'm in the hospital. I always bring my headset while waiting for an appointment or lying there. It's hard for me to sleep in the hospital, so I always listen to music to fall asleep. So, thank you for this song, I love it ❤️


Hello @tinabrezpike it's amazing what music can do to us and I am glad that it always helps you during your hospital trips. You are one brave bear and I am always rooting for you🤗🤗


I also do not like going to the hospital, because seeing other people in pain and emergency conditions breaks my heart. It weakens me.
I'm always grateful for the health which I enjoy, and do not take it for granted.
