How I like it

The feeling one gets from having their morning coffee on their bed is next to none, the comfort and relaxation is out of this world.

Sipping one's coffee in bed can be likened to turning a deaf ear to all the chaos happening outside your bedroom and it also feels like switching on the pause button of your life while you savor every sip. I love to have my coffee in bed heck! I love to have breakfast in bed as well but with my busy schedule there is almost no time to enjoy this pure bliss or savor every moment so I usually have my coffee in my dining room sitting on one of the dining chairs.


I push over having my morning coffee in bed to the weekends when I have ample time as the week goes by so fast, how this happens still surprises me. I wake up this minute and the time is 5:30 am and the next minute the time is almost 8 am and I need to be at the office before 8.


I take my coffee to my dining table. The dining room is built differently from the remaining part of the house as it serves various functions and worthy of note is the ambiance. My dining table has seen and carried more delicious meals that I can count and memories of my family and friends eating and laughing together while we had those delicious meals.

Sitting on one of those comfortable chairs and sipping my coffee is usually heavenly. While sitting on the chair I am fully awake and conscious of the time so I do not overly enjoy my coffee and forget about the time.


No matter how busy I am I always try to enjoy my coffee on the dining table. A lot of things go through my head while I take my coffee. I replay the events of the previous day in my head and I somehow play things that I would love to happen, meaning if I had an altercation with someone the previous day my mind plays the previous day event and how I would love to respond to the issue the following day, Lol am I the only one that gets this way? 😂

I take my coffee on my dining table because I do not need to get all tucked in bed again. That soothing feeling that comes with having my coffee can be refreshing and relaxing and can literally make me go under the covers again to sleep for a little while before waking up fully and I personally do not have control over myself or my bed as in this type of struggles my bed always wins. So to be on a safe side I would rather have my coffee on the dining table where I have absolute control of myself 😃.


Having my coffee on my dining table helps prep me for the day. The alertness I feel, stimulated by the coffee helps me to prepare for the day mentally and being mentally prepared in the morning helps me to be super productive.

While having my morning coffee in bed is great but due to my busy schedule I’d stick to having my coffee on my dining table.

All images are mine except otherwise stated.

Thanks for stopping by
Loads of Love🥰🥰

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


A good option to have the first coffee of the day, the dining room is one of the best to enjoy a delicious cup without the risk of spills.

Thanks for sharing your experience.

Excellent day.


Thanks for sharing your experience.

Thanks for reading dear friend😊


Sipping one's coffee in bed can be likened to turning a deaf ear to all the chaos happening outside your bedroom and it also feels like switching on the pause button of your life while you savour every sip.

An interesting point there, even though it doesn't appeal to me:)

👇This is the image that comes to mind when I hear coffee in bed. 😆


👇This is the image that comes to mind when I hear coffee in bed. 😆

It would be nice to have a cup alongside too😁


Having my morning coffee in bed is more of a thing for me
