What brings me Joy #230


Hi everyone and welcome to my blog, this is actually my first time posting here, i believe by engaging on each others post, we'll get to grow from different aspects


My name is Grace abbas and I do not have too much experience on TV show as a child.
My favorite TV show as a child was the Nollywood movies and I use to like it because of how interesting and funny the actors are, and because we were not influenced by any kind of movie show like that when I was little and it has influenced on my personal life as an adult, it's made me not to be too interested on movies.
I grew up in an environment were we used to have just few houses with the television, we will gather ourselves as children only to go and watch movies, mostly Nigeria movies, our old Nollywood actors were the the people that made childhood interesting in this aspect, Sam loco, Unkwa, mama G, Aku and Popo, Mr Ibu and so many others, I used to remember how we will mimic them by their languages or the kind of words they usually speak, the joyful mood will later disappear after nepa do their work by taking off the light, then we will be chased out due to one or two reasons,
Even with the way they used to talk to us, it was another reason for us to get angry and not come back when nepa brings light or the next day, but childhood was not like that, we didn't use to allow unnecessary things to take our fun moment away or affect our lives, (we didn't know too much, and weren't bother about anything aside play).




Nigeria movies and maybe some songs composed by children were what we found joy in watching those days and we always wish to be like them, we were not use to the cartoon movie which children do watch now,
I grew up and became so used to Nigeria film that I find it hard to watch other countries movies no matter how educative it is.
Well, I have not really put so much interest in watching order movies, cause I do not like watching movie at all, but if you find me watching any, it should be Nigeria film, that's if I didn't sleep while watching it😂
Childhood was really fun cause of the Nollywood movies which I used to watch always, funny how some of these actors today are no more🥲
I pray their souls find rest,🙏 cause they really made childhood fun for some of us...


As lady of hive, I've found myself having joy in so many things in life but it actually depends on the activity or my personal mood
I may be happy over a particular thing today and then tomorrow it turns out to be a different thing
I personally use to love being around friends, discussing life, catching fun and doing order things, but lately, I see all those things as disturbances to me, and felt they weren't necessary, they are more like bringing too much negative things than that of the positive ones, and I've decided to focused more on the positive aspects of my life instead of damaging myself with the negative part trying to please people who don't value me

Lately,I love that part of my life that appreciate quiet time, and it has helped me focused more on my skills, I do a kind of skill that requires calmness and is a meditative activity that requires much attention
I do not do too much of outdoors activities, so focusing on my needle work is the only thing that gives me joy lately
Needlework is more than just a hobby, it's just me among my threads and fabrics.
I've found joy in my needle work, I've engaged myself too much in growing through different aspects when it comes to sewing,


Even though I'm not really up to the standard I intend to be in fashion designing, I use to have this sense of accomplishment and joy when I try to make new and different wears to become perfect
And funny enough, this is something I don't really use to find joy in doing before compared to now, cause I use to see it as too much stressing and wouldn't want to stress myself
But for now, I am always ready to entertain or welcome any form of stress when it comes to sewing 😊


Have fallen so much in love with it despite the stress involved that it has become the only activity that gives me joy when doing it


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It's actually a thing of Joy to find yourself engaged in So many things and to have passion for all. Thanks for sharing


Having a lucrative skill like tailoring and designing is wonderful, yeah there would time of frustration maybe, but never relent in expanding your knowledge. And less I forget we actually have same childhood memories of watching nollywood movies. Thank you for sharing this wonderful piece


It was an amazing experience, thanks for reading through 😊


Thank you very much for sharing your childhood experience with us,yes childhood can be so fun but instead of Nigerian movies,I was more of the Philippines movie watcher and I also loved wrestling WWE,like so reminded me of my children hood memories, thank for sharing your experience, hope to hear from you next time


yo tampoco veia mucha tv, ,muy linda su ropa


I find it very interesting that you've seen national film screenings from your country. In my country, most of the things we watched on television are foreign.

Enjoying peace and quiet is also an important step in adulthood 😊


Wow...Some of us didn't have such opportunity of watching foreign movies, but you had one, and I believe you also had a great experience watching them

Thank you for reading through 😊🙏


We watched Tom and Jerry too that year, I think there were some interesting cartoons also that made childhood interesting.
Good to see you nurturing your skills and doing perfectly fine with it despite the early struggles..
