"Embracing Carpentry and Nature: Surviving a Month-Long Blackout"


Good day, everyone, and welcome to my blog. The prompt for this week is really intriguing, so let's get started without delay. At the beginning of the year, I came across some compelling videos about the potential impact of solar storms on the Earth. These storms could cause a major blackout, disrupting both the power supply and telecommunications networks worldwide. This would result in a prolonged loss of WiFi, data connections to the internet, and phone service, lasting for a month or even longer, depending on the duration of the solar storm.

Contemplating the possibility of living without technology, something that has become an integral part of our daily lives raises important questions about how we would survive and function. The potential for panic, crisis, and even loss of life on a global scale is alarming. While I could delve into the numerous negative outcomes of a month-long blackout, I’d rather focus on how I plan to survive during such a blackout, as per this week’s prompt.

In a scenario where online income-generating opportunities are unavailable due to the lack of data connectivity, I intend to turn to manual labor, particularly carpentry, which has captured my interest lately. While carpentry is often seen in my part of the world as a job suited for the less privileged, I view it as a valuable craft with numerous qualities, one that cannot be replaced by AI, which is already displacing human workers from various occupations.

During the blackout, I will dedicate my time to learning more about carpentry and seeking innovative ways to enhance my skills and make a living from it. I foresee a surge of creativity in crafting tools and resourcefulness in working with wood. The world is filled with impressive furniture, and the credit for these exceptional pieces still goes back to carpentry.


Given the absence of an internet connection, our smartphones would be rendered useless, as most of us rely on them for entertainment, be it through apps like TikTok, gaming, or watching movies. In the absence of these distractions, I plan to spend my time outdoors, finding solace in nature. Observing the sunrise, embracing the beauty of bird life, and witnessing the changing cloud formations will bring me tranquility. Engaging in outdoor games like tag, hide and seek, and exploring artistic activities such as painting and drawing will also add excitement and joy to my days.

These plans may sound intriguing, but I understand that no one would willingly choose to endure a blackout, even for a single day. This sums up my thoughts for now. Thank you for visiting, and have a great day.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


That was also on my mind. Embracing all nature has to offer. But would we be able to though? I mean, would we feel that way after a while?


It will be hard to adjust at first but we human beings are known to adapt to anything so we will be fine at the end.


Running to nature will be inevitable truly because as an introvert, that's the only thing I can trust to entertain me if the unexpected happens.

Choosing carpentry is a smart choice and I have thought about it several times when doing my diy project. I am sure it would be a lucrative job in a world without technology.


Retuning back to nature will be the best thing for us, and we will be surprised to learn some new things about nature that we don't know about.

Carpentry will be the most fetch job during a blackout, and I see it not just a job alone but an art that anyone can get into at any time.


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