My latest NFT art purchase showing up the global covid hoax
I just bought one edition of this political NFT artwork today, made by @zyberzerk. As an artist and collector, I like to add political pieces to my gallery and this one really sums up the state of the world under the current depopulation agenda via the fake covid pandemic and dictatorial vax protocol. Those of you who know George Orwell will recognize the 1984 image that has been used as the initial background.
And added to that is the current day megalomaniacal dictator and genocidal maniac Bill Gates. He is the de facto dictator using medical tyranny and mass propaganda via one of his cronies seen on the right, namely Osama Bin Laden...oh wait that’s Jack Dorsey the CEO of Twitter. Sorry the beard and turban made him look like a terrorist.
What, he is a terrorist, you say? Ah well, his media propaganda machine that censors truth and promotes the medical tyrants decree does indeed make him a terrorist in the eyes of some, like the artist. I am just the collector. These modern day tyrants are busy using the ruse of a flu pandemic to introduce a fake vaccine that is actually a eugenics tool. They want to cull the majority of the world population. Or sterilize them, which is a similar thing, just slower.
Vaccine deaths and injuries pile up by the thousand already, yet people line up for it. My mind boggles. The propaganda lie is working so well under Dorsey and the cabal who selectively promote the dictator Gates’ lies and stifle the outcry by medical experts globally who call out the emperor’s new clothes. Who in their right mind would get this vaccine? Only someone living in a dictatorship – like USA – or someone brainwashed by the mainstream media like Twitter.
You will have to catch and kill me before I take your vaccine, which is not a vaccine guys, please read the label, read the data, listen to the medical researchers who are telling you how many are dying or being made even more sick by the mRNA experimental bioweapon. There is zero vaccine characteristics about it. You are being lied to. Why is is so obvious to me and yet masses can’t see the obvious.
This fake vaccine is being rolled out to kill you – the stupid ones who go for the vax. The clever ones like me will avoid it “like the plague” - ironically that metaphor is perfect since the vax gives you the disease, or certainly spreads it to others around you who have not had it. Why would you take a vax that shows itself to be causing you to infect and harm other non vaxers who come into contact with you after you have had the vax? Did you not get the memo?
Obviously some nations are also under the medical tyranny of the WHO and the WEF and Lord Gates, because they are forcing or goading their sheep to get the vax and the sheep are lining up. Get culled if you want to but I will watch from my very healthy and fit position on the edge of the insanity. Orwell will be impressed by this current medical tyranny taking over the planet just a few decades later than 1984 – he was slightly early in his prediction.
So my nice artwork by someone who has the same info as I do, is now in my gallery. Look at it and learn my sheepish reader. I will defend my opinion to the death and if you get the vax then you will be first to die buddy. No way will you ever vax me. They’ll never take me alive (cue manic laughter like a flock of seagulls). The propaganda must be working on the sleeping population as they line up for their culling medicine from the dictators. What was that about woke mentality? None of it in your brain if you think the vax is going to be helpful or if you think this pandemic is real.
It’s fake guys, hello! Fake PCR tests. Fake positives. Fake stats. Fake pandemic. Fake media stories with fake pictures (from prior episodes of dead bodies in the streets of India caused by a bomb blast, not a pandemic). It’s a flu guys, engineered to cull the lot of you. There is no sheep in my brain. I am vegetarian. But you guys lining up for the vax are off to the slaughter. It has never been properly tested, It is an RNA genetic modifier. You will be genetically engineered by it and you will be contaminating healthy people like me when you become a covid factory yourself as the engineered virus multiplies in your body. You will be the one spreading the engineered disease after your vaccine. DYOR please. Find out about the biggest crime in the history of the world going on today under this medical lie from Lord Gates and Lord Fauci and Baron Schwab of the WEF.
I'll not go gently into that good night. I will rage until the dying of the light. And I will call it like I see it. You do you and I will watch you from my fit and healthy outside edge while the masses of you die like culled sheep. Or you can wake up and get informed like me and learn the truth and avoid being culled. I will remind you about the emperor’s new clothes as long as I have my good health and my researched info to back up my standpoint in great detail.
(image is a NFT owned by me)