REVIEW MOVIE: Hachiko: A Dog’s Story - 2009
The film is an adaptation of a real story, which happened in Japan at the beginning of the century.
Parker Wilson is a university professor and finds an Akita puppy at the train station, known for his loyalty, and the dog adapts to its new owner and starts to accompany him to the train station and wait for his return. One day an unexpected event changes his life.

It is a beautiful story of love and loyalty, practically impossible not to be moved, it is inspired by a real story, which happened in the 20/30 years of the last century, in the land of the Rising Sun.
Don't wait for historical dramas, elaborate numbers of singing and tap dancing, fairytale novels or thrillers. The only question in the film is about the magic link that can only be established between two races: man and animal, in this case, a dog.
In the film Hachiko is found when he is still a puppy at a station on the outskirts of New York by university professor Parker who takes him home, but his wife refuses to adopt the dog, but as time goes by she is touched by the captivating relationship between the two and accept it.
The akita puppy grows, everyone's life evolves, but the only thing that doesn't change is the affection of each other. Until the day the owner dies, and this fact is not well accepted by the dog, who then starts to wait for his friend in front of the same train station where they met for the first time. And this ritual of waiting is repeated for ten years, until the death of the animal.
Perhaps it was not Parker who found Hachiko, but that the dog chose him as its owner.
In the eyes of the critics, the feature "Semper ao Seu Lado" will not go down in history if it is well analyzed, because its narrative is very conventional, predictable and even formulaic.
In the film, the strength of a friendship and the power of fidelity that only between man and animal can be established, without charge, judgments or disappointments, giving space only for surrender, affection and pure love.
This film shows how deep a person's emotional bond with their pet is, in addition, it shows dogs' infinite loyalty to their owners and their ability to love above all. The plot of the film's story is exciting and beautiful, and makes us reflect on our day-to-day lives and the relationships that really interest us.