A lady birthed 9 kids at a go


Was just drafting through Twitter few days ago and saw a post made by Africa fact zone, discussing about a lady that birthed 9 kids at the same time. A thought of the possibilities ran through my brain. One person carrying nine other bodies in her body.

The most I can think of is sextuplets, which is already too much. I'm trying to imagine what the size of her stomach would looking like with 9 children in it. Was she able to walk around with her baby bump? Or she just had to sit and lie down at a spot. How would her delivery process would be like?

Though the hospital facilities in her country (Mali) didn't have the equipment to make her huge delivery possible, she gave birth to her 9 children in a specialist hospital in Morocco after a doctor referred them there. How long these process of delivery could be? The pain and grief.


What amount of strength does she have in her to go through all that, from pregnancy to delivery? How high is her fertility rate? These are questions that keeps running through my brain.

She gave birth and all 9 children came out strong. 5 boys and 4 girls.

Link to tweet below;

