My Name Husnain Yousaf And its means Beautiful and Beautiful people


Hello friends
Every person must have a name. By which this person is identified.When we are born in childhood, we are given our names as an identity, it creates our identity.Name is the first recognition for everyone.By calling the name we can attract a person.I welcome you to my blog today my blog what is your name.

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My name is Husnain Yousaf, my father name is Muhammad Yousaf, my family gave me a name that matches my father name with Mir.I am identified by the name Husnain, whoever calls me to his side will address me as Husnain.With this name we identify ourselves. My name is given by my family. I like this name very much. My name MEANS BEAUTIFUL AND BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. The meaning of the name shows how cute the name is.


Husnain is a name that symbolizes a freedom-loving and free-spirited individual. Nothing is conventional with your love of change and adventure. You make wise decisions very quickly, especially in a dangerous or difficult situation

The status of the name is like the mold in which a person is molded. Name has a psychological effect on human nature.A man with a good name feels the good influence of his name. So when he is called, he feels a strange state within himself.



Use Of The Name
A name is the first recognition for everyone we learn to respond to or use to address a person. Most people have common names. The choice of first name often depends on the child's native language, religion and gender. However, there are many other influential factors such as traditions, (be they family, national or regional.) A name may be given because the parents believe it has the most appropriate 'meaning', or appearance. Conforms to or characterizes of the child. It may also be in line with their parents' wishes or expectations for them.So they choose the name very thoughtfully.

I also like this name very much, also I like the name Asif very much, it means forgiver, I want this name in my life, I want to choose this name for my child in future will do.


Your name reveals a lot. Who are you? what do you do ? Where are you from? All of these are relationships linked to your name. We come and grow only by our name and achieve success on the basis of it. If you don't have a name, how will you be recognized in this world and how will people recognize you. Therefore, name is important in our life. It is very important to have.

If it is assumed that a person is not named, then think if you have to call that person to you or you have to tell someone about him, how can you tell him who he is without a name. What is recognition? If there is no name, then no one can recognize him. Similarly, if a person is named, you can easily explain to the next person by taking his name.

Apart from this, family members also call me by nicknames. I wrote a post a few days ago, you guys may remember that post was on my nickname. I am also affectionately called Shani at home. This house has been given to me by a loving name.



My name is named among the Islamic names. I have only one name and other name is a nickname. I am not thinking of changing my name. I am very happy with this name too. I consider myself quite blessed with this name.

A person should use his name to address any other person.We should not call others by wrong names. Because the next person may feel bad. Therefore, we should not do anything in matters of names that angers that persons and Allah Almighty.


Thanks for reading My Blog ❤️


No one could ever believed your name has a beautiful meaning but to me it is hard to pronounce... Llolzzz


It is a little difficult to pronounce but its meaning is good. You will also have difficulty in speaking in the beginning. Later you will not have any difficulty in speaking Name.
Thanks for reading


Wow, I have tried several times to pronounce this your name without success. Now that I read about the meaning, it looks more interesting, I wish I can address your name in English or better still, Shani 😍

The meaning of your name is very nice and of course no point changing it


Haha 😂 you can call me Shani it's easy for you and I don't want to change that name


Hello @husnainyousaf
You are supposed to be creative with your titles. Using the same words as the Topic is not allowed. I suggest you change your title ASAP.

Thank you for sharing this with us.
