Pretty lady seating
Hi everyone,I welcome you to my post,it's a pen work of a beautiful lady seating and carrying a basket of flower on her hand
I started this sketch not noticing the neck was a bit long until after I detailed it,I couldn't reduce,I went to the other part of the body,added the pink touch to the cloth unlike painting when you can just color the whole clothe and drop the pink touch at the top later but at for pen,it's a bit technical and in reversed manner,if you paint the cloth first the pink will turn dark because its ink,after finishing the cloth,I made it has the necessary folds to depict the type of gown she wore,then the solution to the neck neck,I tied a scarf to her neck,increased the left shoulder a bit and VOILA,it's done,I guess it came out well
Thanks for checking,my progresses are pasted below...