Portrait draw ( Happiness )
Good day everyone,this is a pen work I did recently of a child with happy face kissing his teeth,I looked back into my young days and childhood,I noticed those are the real happy moments,undiluted joy...
nothing to think of,just wake,eat,play,admire little things,sourceless and baseless joy but my adult days,your happiness has to be as a result of BIG doings,
The difference is as a child you do not want anything to ruin your mood,once you're sad you forget and you jack back to life,happiness is chosen/taken not given or because of the things you have
And don't be too matured to be happy like a child
I did this drawing with a ballpoint pen and smudging and strokes technique to shade
I hope you enjoyed my post,thanks for checking
This is so beautiful and detailed
😆I'm so glad you like it my friend,thanks for the comment
U are welcome man
Have you sorted the downvoting issues on your post?
Honestly,I do not know how and I do not know the cause either
I heard they had issue with xeldal curation trail, anywhere he upvoted they will downvote it.
Wow! Then how do I stop that,I'm not responsible for that,besides,they remove more than he upvotes
How do you join their curation trails? You will stop it where you join it.
You can as well try this link below
Thanks buddy,I followed it,I don't know if that will do,I appreciate
It should
have you unfollowed them?
Yeah,just xedal
Ok good
Oh man, didn't work,still got downvoted,is there any other means to this,like where I can report
Bro, do you still follow more4less curation trails?if so unfollow them that’s where Xeldal belongs too
Swearz I don't even know what these are🙄,I'm just seeing these for the first time,is it about ppl I follow? Make I go day unfollow
I think I need someone to reorientate me on this hive of a thing
Not people you follow on hive, follow the link I sent you….go and unfollow more4less, Xeldal and co are the main whale in that curation trail.
Mind dropping your WhatsApp line,I think I need to feed you some pages if you can help me explain so I don't do something else
Ve unfollwed the more4less though
Is there anything else I need to unfollow or look at?