
Lately we've been experiencing different changes in the weather condition and it's nothing strange, it's just burdensome because we don't even know how well to tackle what's on ground. Outside the fact that we are experiencing extreme weather condition, we also have inflation to worry about. Things seem like they are going to a halt but some how we still keep hope alive and just keep going even when the going is hard.

Due to how hot the weather is, my intake of water has increased and that's for obvious reasons. The hotness just keeps getting us dehydrated and the best way to stay hydrated is continuous intake of water. At some point I just stopped and just be grateful to God because "what if there was no water?" How will we have been able to survive this? Really it would have been a dead end but then God is so merciful that be gave us the water even as a natural resource.

And that's why those people who have continuous access to good water will never understand how important it truly is compared to someone who have to pay before they can get water to drink. I have been in both cases before and I always tend to be grateful for water everytime I have it in at my finger tips because I remember those days when it was a very big challenge to get water to do anything.


The satisfaction that comes with taking water after a good meal is almost next to none. So many times I always get tempted to take sweet drinks instead of water when eating rice or any snacks but most times I don't end up taking that drink because I just prefer the water. I know if I should take something sweet at that time, I might still get tasty but because my stomach is filled with the drink, I would have to postpone the time for taking water.

It's really not healthy consuming too much sweet things when water can do the job because taking those sweet things almost every time is a threat to our health and even our society. It's a threat to ourselves in the sense that we deprive our selves from the proper regulation of things within our bodies. And also it's a threat to the society because recycling is mostly not carried out and even if it is, it's hardly done right.

So don't debate too much about your intake of water especially those people that are living in places that are hot. Your body needs that water to help regulate your temperature and not giving the body that water at some point might lead to something unexpected. Our lives are priceless so we should learn to treat it as such.

Taking more water than sweet drinks is not going to be easy but then the more we know the value water is to us and the dangers in taking too much sweet drinks, then we will understand it better. Let's do this for ourselves and stay healthy 🥰.

All Images used are mine


There a deeper level of understanding you will reach and then you will know that water is life.


Exactly! It's just something that no human can do without.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts 🥰
