It's so interesting how the principle of one man becomes something that so many people end up practicing without even asking questions whether or not they should do it and if actually they are doing it right. People are so fond of developing some certain principles for themselves and somehow they manage to pass that same principles to their children and even those around them and those people still end up passing that same principles to their own children as well.


There are so many things around us that we find ourselves doing because it's what has been passed down to us and we don't even care to ask questions about why we are doing such things. Then for the few that care to ask, some might come to know the truth but find it so hard to let go of what they've been practicing all their lives while few will accept the truth and let go of these traditions that has been passed down to them.

I remember that when I was growing up, my dad was always of the opinion that we should take our bath at least twice a day and that became a pattern for us and the times when we failed to take our bath twice, we felt really bad because we thought we've done something so bad but then, as time went on I came to realize the importance of bathing and I started doing it at my own discretion and not based on what my dad said. So there were some days I'd take my bath just once a day and some other days two or three or even more on some days.

As humans we have different places, people and things that build our principles and the truth is we all are entitled to our own principles so it's totally not cool trying to make someone else do the same thing we do the same way we do it. We all have our own lives to live and we can choose for ourselves what teachings or practices to abide by.
I do have different places I draw my Practices and teachings from but in all of these, the one that stands out for me is the Holy Bible. Others have where they choose theirs from but I choose the Bible because over the years, it has proven to be true, nothing that was written was out of mere words of mouth and we can see all of these things manifesting at different times and places.

The Holy Bible as we learned in the scriptures was inspired by God and it was given for our learning, for correction and for reproof that those that believe in God will be thoroughly equipped unto every good works. The scriptures also made it clear that everything that pertains to life and godliness is written in it. So even as I have other books that I read to get knowledge from, I'm always careful to make sure that I don't compromise the teachings of the words of Christ in whom I believe.

In 2 John 9, the scriptures made us to understand that those who abide in the doctrine of Christ has both the father and the son but those who don't abide by the doctrine (teachings) of Christ do not have God. So as a believer of the words that was written in the Holy Bible, most of my principles are guided solely by the teachings of Christ and the others are what I'm still working on, trying to let go of what I want and focus more on what my master (Jesus Christ) says.

In doing this, I'm so open to correction from even those that have read the Bible and don't believe in it and sees that me who profess to be a believer doesn't practice what I believe. I let my fleshly desires blind me most times so I definitely need to be corrected by people and most especially by what is written in the scriptures. The Bible also made it clear that we should speak where it speaks and be silent where it is silent and it also advise us to not add neither subtract from what is written down to us.
So my advice to whoever cared to read this is totally fine be very cautious of where you get your principles from and don't try to force it on anyone. If you think what you know is the truth, you can only try to correct but never make it a law or a tradition that must be kept by everyone. And always make sure to ask questions for the things you do especially those ones that were passed down (a family tradition or something).

That's all for now, until next time, stay AWESOME and JIGGY!!!

All Images used are mine

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Bang, I did it again... I just rehived your post!
Week 187 of my contest just can now check the winners of the previous week!


Abiding by a certain principle is good but imposing it on others doesn't make sense. Just like you said, everyone derives their principles from different sources; different people with different ideas.

One can let others know about a principle he or she cherishes but should leave the choice for them to make ; if they are willing to embrace the same principle or not.



You're absolutely right my amiable ambassador, those principles one has was gotten from somewhere so we can only try to share ours and if someone likes it or agrees with it, they can also accept it.

Thank you so much for your beautiful contribution 🥰


It's good for people to have their own principles and abide by it but they should never impose it on others.
This is indeed a thoughtful post. Thank you for sharing.



Thank you so much for your contribution sis ❤️
