Leaving home and not knowing when you’d return can be really scary sometimes especially if you have a beautiful family you will be leaving behind. I’m very sure those astronauts that returned after several months must have even signed a contract just incase they don’t make it back alive. Just like those astronauts and many others who have had reasons to leave their loved ones for a long time, I have also been there before. Well, mine wasn’t for something that could take my life or something bad. It was the time when I had to complete a one year academic program.
Growing up as a little girl, for some reasons I have always loved the idea of traveling, moving from place to place. I loved my family and during the first early years of my life, I was privileged to most times travel with them and that was because I was still a child who couldn’t travel on her own. But the moment I became an adult, things changed. At that time, my sister was already in the university and it was just my dad, my younger brother and myself. Since my dad was not always around and my sister was in school, my brother and I became close friends and we would always sing and play games together.
When I left for that program, my brother was the most affected because his partner in most things was leaving. Well, after that day, my brother didn’t care much about it again, lol. Thank goodness for WhatsApp, we would sometimes chat with each other and share funny stickers, laugh about it and say our goodbyes until the next time. I was quite busy with life in school since I also had to work to make some little pocket money to keep me going. My dad misses me because he will randomly call me on most days and complain that I don’t even reach out to him. My sister and I always communicate every now and then too on WhatsApp.
When we were apart for those months, we all survived like we didn’t even care about the fact that we are apart but when we all get an opportunity to be back together, we try to make up for those times we were apart from ourselves. There are so many things we do together to rekindle that bond between ourselves. For my siblings and I, we most times use that time to sing together, go to places together, eat together and chat about different things. But with my dad, since he is most times not around, we fix a day to go out, particularly Sunday and we spend some quality time together.
But in response to the question, the first thing I do most times when I return from a trip is to check the kitchen to see what they prepared for me and then, sometimes I try to also get something edible for them too. After knowing that there is something nice to eat in the kitchen, I chat a little more with them and then go freshen up to eat my delicious meal, hehe. And after I’m done eating, depending on how I feel, I will just rest a little and then continue the chit chat with my family when I wake up.
All I try to do is make the most of the time I get to spend with them and it has always been a beautiful time with them. Sometimes, I intentionally want to stay away for a long time so we can get the time to do some things together which we unconsciously only do when one of us have been away for a long time. I believe that space between sometimes is needed because it gives us the opportunity to always keep the connection buzzing.
This is my response to the thoughtfuldaily prompt #36.
Thanks for reading through. ❤️
Ha ha! This is so funny! 🤣🤣🤣
Yes naw. No time o. 😂😂
Sometimes I even inform them down so we will not fight. 🦥
Thank you. 🤗
You have a little beautiful family and that's good to hear. I also have a complete family but I am lucky to stay with all of my family members almost everyday. We can enjoy time together.
Yes, Intishar. 🥰
I’m happy you spend time with your family almost everyday. ❤️🤭
Spend time with our families is always a beautiful time. You have a lovely one. Thanks for sharing with us
I totally agree with you. 🤭
It’s my pleasure sharing mine with you. 🥰❤️
your brother is a carbon copy of your dad, no DNA needed🙂.... I guess since you and merit resemble each other, you took that resemblance from your mum.
Hahaha, I totally agree with you.
Merit looks so much like my mom facially than I do but yes, I also take after her. 🤭
Thanks for stopping by, dada. ❤️
Hey there, Hopey. Guy, my siblings are my best friends. Unlike you and yours, we might not show it. I mean, it is not outwardly visible, but we care about each other so much. Well, it is a different case with me and my sister- we play like cat and rat. I miss those days.
Looking back, I remember the first time I left my parents and siblings (for Jupeb) That day, I cried. I think my brother also cried. He didn't want me to see him, so he left before the car moved. I think about my siblings every now and then. When we were kids, we lived in the same house and played together, but now we are scattered in different parts of the country.
Whenever I go home and my siblings and parents are around, the first thing I do is relax and gist them about school and life. It is always nice to gist my sisters and mom about my lecturers, friends and hostel mates.
Thanks for sharing, Hopey.❤️
Hehe, my siblings and I don’t physically show how much we love each other too.
Those good old days are gone and now, we just try to fix a day for a reunion or something but it can never feel the same again but at least we can talk about those old good days together and be happy.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts with me, Favey and also for your comment. 🥰
You guys sing and eat together- that's unlike my siblings and I.
It would be nice to experience them all over again.
My pleasure.
Oh! If that’s what you meant, yeah I guess. 🥰
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That coming back to check what is in the kitchen is so real. Food prepared at home is always unmatched and it's one of the things I look forward to when going back home.
I’m glad you can relate. 🤭
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It’s my pleasure! Thanks for having me. 🤗
Having siblings who are like your bestfriend is such a gift, I wish mine are like yours. Unfortunately even if I am far away from them, we are not that close and never check on me. I think the distance also made the gap bigger.
Sorry about that. 🫂
Well, like you said, the distance definitely added to it and I hope someday you all will have to be together. ❤️