There is a saying that, “to whom much is given, more is expected”. Naturally, when we get the opportunity to more wealth, it is then we get to realize that we have even more things to spend on. Although there are also some cases that we find our situations not matching up with our resources. From what I was taught back in school, one of the major reasons why citizens of a country are mandated to pay taxes is for the development of that country.
Too bad, some countries have neglected that importance of taxation and focus more on generating revenue to those in power. No matter how huge a tax might be, as long as the government makes use of it for the benefit of its citizens just as well as they make use of it for themselves, it won’t have been a thing of debate whether or not citizens should pay and how much they should pay.
Except for those who work for the government, it is hard to know how much we pay as taxes monthly or even yearly. For those who don’t, there are different ways we pay our taxes that we only get to realize when there is an unusual inflation in the prices of things. Looking at how our society works, the rich are already paying more tax, we are only just going to say we are making it official.
The rich people are the ones that make more purchases of goods and even services and with every goods or services an individual or a company purchases there is a tax on it whether directly or indirectly. I guess the government just want to be sure that every citizen gets to pay their tax so they mostly add these taxes in the goods and services that are bought and rendered.
Those who are well to do in the society, despite the inflation in the prices of things, you will still find them keeping up with their demands and those who are not so fortunate start cutting down expenses in every way possible and at this point you’d realize that it is the rich that gets to pay more taxes because they still keon satisfying their wants and needs.
The government trying to officially increase the tax of the rich and reduce that of the poor is not a necessary thing because like I’ve said, the rich are already doing the most. The government should instead focus more on using the revenue generated to make things better for the masses so the country can have more rich people so more tax revenues can be generated. Especially in a country like mine, tax is something most people don’t take seriously and that is because of the fact that the revenue generated from the taxes are not well utilized.
So the government should start putting those taxes to good use and everyone with time will respond well to paying up their taxes whether directly or indirectly. This is my response to the topic on ”THE RICH ALSO PAY”.
The concept of taxation is complex. Taxation systems vary from country to country. I’m not sure you were there when thatgermandude told us about the system in Germany. In Germany, the rich pay more taxes. Those who earn less than £400 do not pay taxes at all. To worsen the situation, unemployed people get paid for doing nothing. Ridiculous!!! Note that the money that is used to pay the unemployed is generated by the rich taxpayers. That's unfair.
I also think everything should be balanced.