Unheard& Misrepresented - "Nobody listens to us"
I dropped out of traditional school at 15. I have a problem with authority. In other words, I'm probably not your go-to idea of a substitute teacher. And yet, when my friend called me yesterday to ask if I'd sit in for her quite out of the blue, I figured why the hell not. It seemed like a chance to learn. An experiment, if nothing else. Now, my friend who is quite straightlaced did leave me some stuff to go over with the kids. She teaches a bullshit civics course-type thing that nobody takes seriously. I know. I was once a kid too, and I knew no one takes it seriously, and even less do kids take you seriously if you're a 20-something-old substitute. So I scrapped the lesson, hopped on the desk and decided to have a chat with the kids instead.
I had two seventh-grade classes, so 13-14 year olds. And what's interesting is that the school's got quite a bad rep so going off that as well as my friend's horror tales, I was expecting quite the chaos.
Which wasn't the case.
I admit I loved getting to live out my little cool teacher fantasy from when I was that age - I did all the things I, as a child, hoped a teacher would do. I joked, I tried to talk like a real person, like there was 10 years between us, not 100, and mst importantly, I listened to them. One class was easier to get along with and we actually managed to have a semi civics-related talk.
I started by asking them about discrimination and of course, at first, I got the classic answers - race, gender, etc. After a while, I stopped them and said okay, can anyone give me actual examples of how you yourself have been discriminated, bullied, etc. and stop talking like a fucking textbook.
At 13, it's not that firmly embedded, the wooden language, but it sneaks up on you when the only times you get rewarded for opening mouth are when you regurgitate some BS lesson.
And at first they wouldn't budge. Like they didn't understand when I said fuck that, talk like real people. But then they did. We talked about a conflict between a Muslim boy who was teased for the way his food smelled. It was such an eye-opening experience because they talked with so much compassion and reason, something you tend to forget when you start viewing them as a mass which (I'm guessing) most of these teachers do. I listened to both "sides" and we sort of worked out a little experiment. I got them to promise they'd try to be more respectful, but he also would try to respect the wishes of his peers (that was a problem, as well). We also got to talking about who's gonna defend your rights if you won't which, I think, is a paramount thing to teach children right now.
We chatted about all sorts of things and it was fantastic because that's the thing with kids, when you give them a chance, you find they actually have quite a bit to say.
I mean, personally I know that. But most teachers don't. Or at least, they don't act like it. My idea, and I told them this, was here's your chance. Your voice matters, what you have to say and bothers you also matters, so learn to speak. And I was saying that after class to a bunch of them, and one of the girls said to me,
But nobody listens to us. The other teachers don't care, they don't ask, they won't let us talk.

Seen here exhibiting serious doubts before class.
I thought it's all good and well for me, I got to play cool teacher for the day, but what a fucked-up way for us to be raising our young. I tried to give them hope, I told them you're not gonna be voiceless for very long. One day, you're gonna be out of school, so try to hold on to that voice, because you don't want to be 18 and realize you have nothing more to say.
The second class was a litle more unruly, but all in all we got along quite well. It was the same issue with them. I asked them why they don't like their classes, which was evident, and they all told me it's because they were being disregarded, berated absurdly and talked down at.
Well, fuck me. You don't need to be a psychologist to see how that might be unpleasant. They're young, they're not subhuman.
Another thing that stood out to me was the "us vs them" vibe between the teachers and the students. There's this little teachers' room in Romanian schools and most people there were middle-aged and, it was evident from the way they talked, quite despised the students. I even heard one swearing at the little shits, and while it's obvious how this life and environment can get you down, it doesn't seem very useful for anyone. The kids hate the teachers, the teachers hate the kids, everything is done with resentment and rage, and contempt. And that's supposed to lead to learning and open-mindedness? I don't think so.
As long as we're not treating kids as people, I don't think we're gonna get very far in our educational endeavors. And we don't treat them as people. We don't remember that at 13-14, you have your stories and your romantic interests and your anxieties. We just think you're either infantile or a brat or this great reduction of what a human being is.
I had a very moving conversation with one of the girls who waited for me in the hallway to say how I was the best teacher she ever had. She wanted to know if I was a Squid Game fan. I said fuck yeah and she seemed so shocked. Like how could a teacher be a human being and coinhabit this universe of things I actually like. The divide is mutual, but I do think it's the adults who should take the first step. When you treat them like human beings, kids will treat you as a human being back. It's only when you start othering them that problems arise. She also wanted to know how I felt about the LGBT community and confided in me she'd had a girlfriend and that "I was the only grown-up who knew". And she seemed so proud of that. It was so sweet and sad, in a way.
Throughout the afternoon, I got this feeling of "we have so much to say, but no one's gonna listen to us anyway, so fuck this". I had several kids tell me they hate school and when I asked them, all complaints were about how the teachers behaved, none about the subjects themselves. Fair enough.
I also noticed that, despite what I'd been lead to believe about these "bad" kids, none were outright rude or difficult, and when time came for them to speak about themselves, they all spoke quite passionately, quite well. They struck me as so happy to have someone listen to them, to who they were, what interested them and not treat it like it's crap.
It was both interesting and depressing, revisiting public school after all this time. When people ask, I always tell them I wasn't bullied, got along well enough, that wasn't the reason I left. Now I realize it was this sense of being disregarded, of not mattering, of being treated like what I had to say was not worthwhile that gnawed at me and eventually eroded my relationship with school.
I remember having loads of things to say at 13. And I was glad if I could be, for some of these kids, an example of a grown-up who listens. At the end of class, several asked if I was coming back next week. Needless to say, they were quite dejected when I said no and quite a few asked if I could somehow arrange it that my friend was busy again, so I could come. All so someone "adult" could listen to them. Made me think, wouldn't it be an interesting social experiment if we tried treating kids like they have something worth saying?
I mean, fuck me, then we wonder how they reach 18-20 and have nothing at all to say.
This little experience also served as a reinforcement for my personal desires to homeschool my children. 'Cause the further you get from it, the more you think "maybe it's not so bad". But it is. My kids, like all kids, will have things to say. And I will make sure they're heard.
Ever thought of a career as a youth worker? You'd be perfect at that. If you can achieve so much in a day, imagine what you can do in the long run
I have not, no, but I'll think about it! Thanks for the recommendation :) It does sound like something I might like.
Sounds like an awful school. I occasionally here teachers say 'oh so and so is a waste of space' which appalls me but on the whole the school I'm at has amazing and empathetic teachers.
Lucky kids then! I'm sure with you among them, it's a much nicer experience already, and I'm sure some of the teachers at this school were alright, too. From what I saw though in the brief time I was there, it didn't seem like a great atmosphere for kids.
Public school does a grave disservice to kids and parents alike. They are forced to learn a curriculum that serves very little purpose, in their mind and in real life. A real indoctrination station, if you will. And the farce continues.
I'm happy to hear you plan to home school your kids. You made a fantastic impression on your charges for the day, and they will remember you long after you left. Most people, young and old, just want to be heard and you listened intently and gave feedback. They learned something that day.
It was shocking to me how eager the kids were once they realized I meant to listen to them and let them talk, not preach at them. It was a reaction like I'd offered to take them to Disneyland or something. Says some very upsetting things about our education system if it's that easy to get on their good side.
Since you have such a great rapport with kids of that age, you would make a great tutor or mentor, and with your writing skills, you might just foster a new wave of authors! And to think it all started with listening!
It's not, as you point out. It's indoctrination. That's why teachers hate it too. They want to teach, not force kids into psychological blinders and straight jackets, but no one pays them to teach. It's just called that, and they're not actually taught to be indoctrinators either, to minimize realization of what is actually happening in school. The institution actually does most of the indoctrinating, so teachers being really bad indoctrinators doesn't prevent it from being nominal. You'd hopefully be surprised at how much schools resemble prisons in critical ways, such as food, hygiene, and institutionally, that confine the victims into desired mental states.
I remember being amazed when at the age of the kids you interacted with, I was edified in a civics/economics class I expected to be utterly ignorable. Managing personal finances, choosing politicians, and institutional structure were communicated by the teacher - who was actually the mayor of my village at the time - in a way I was shocked to realize how important these things were to ME. All my prior indoctrination was designed to get me to ignore those things, to disempower me from self governing, for reasons that suddenly then inspired me to be ungovernable.
That was one of very few classes I didn't hide a pulp scifi novel behind the textbook and ignore to the best of my abilities. Sounds like you managed to actually teach for a day.
I had the novel hidden under the desk when I was a kid, too! It's very true, what you point out - the great tragedy of many a teacher is that they actually want to do something good and help these kids in a system viciously opposing that.
It's a shame cause it can be a great class if taught properly, I think. These aren't at all ignorable matters, but if the school system treats it as an unimportant class, it's no wonder kids do too (and go on to do so in adulthood,as well). Thanks for the input! :)
Imagine, me being part of generation Z, they say we are incomprehensible. That we cry, but we keep it in. That we complain, but we do. That we break inside, but no one notices. The world is insensitive or we just don't look beyond it.
There is stigma, perhaps because of the clash of generations. However, that doesn't limit how we should understand others.
A child is a child, a teenager is a teenager and an adult is an adult. Among all this there is one thing: we are all human. Understanding and appreciation depends on human values and feelings. We live in a world full of people who have eyes, but cannot see.
I agree with the fact that you should explore social work. Understanding others and helping them is a gift that helps to save lives.
Well written, reminds me of many things, The idea of home school is good but from another perspective kids need a social environment to be around other kids.
I was born into a family of educators. In my time, everything was dark—it was the late '90s. School felt grey, teachers were angry, and they would beat or slap us. We had a teacher who would grab the hair beside students' ears and lift them up to his face—and he was quite tall. I was one of his victims too. Sometimes, I hid under the chair so he couldn’t find me because I hadn’t done my homework.
an old photo from a school in 90's

Image Source
My father was sometimes angry too, and he was the administrator of our school.
This will turn into a long post if I write everything, so I’ll try to keep it short.
Later, when I moved to the next school, which was for kids between 11 and 13 years old, it was a complete mess. Even our break time between classes felt like a war. I was shocked when I first heard kids saying, "Okay, now it’s war time!" and suddenly, they all started attacking each other with anything they could find. There was nowhere to hide—it felt like being on a battlefield.
Classes weren’t any better. Our math teacher would whip our hands for bad grades or put a pen between our fingers, squeeze our hands, and apply pressure—a kind of torture. That’s why I hated school and studying. I had no interest in learning from those books.

I have found a photo which can show such situation from 90's
Image Source
Moving forward—after a long time of working as a freelance musician and doing online or local projects in my recording studio, a relative suddenly asked me to become a school disciplinarian. At first, I said no, but since I had already closed my recording studio and had no work, I decided to accept it for a short time.
A new school at 2024 (Kids at the Yard) standing in rows waiting there for admin to do his morning talk:
There, I realized how hard it is to be a school disciplinarian. The students were 16 to 18 years old, and I had to control 150 of them—a new generation that wouldn’t listen to anyone. I tried many ways to get them to go to their classes. Since I had spent two years in the military (Compulsory military service), I started using that approach—like a military sergeant, shouting:
"Everyone! Go to class! I don’t want to see anyone standing in the corridors!"
I had to become an angry person because if I spoke to them softly, they would never listen. (Back in our time, school disciplinarians would even beat us—I was just using my voice and attitude.)
However, there were two students who refused to listen and were looking for a way to challenge me.
Well, I lasted 15 days before quitting the job. On my last day, I went into a classroom, sat among the students, and told them my story—that I was once like them. I was a kid who used to pour oil on desks and, along with my classmates, even planned to burn down classrooms. I shared this to let them know that I didn’t hate them.
I explained that I was given this responsibility because if any of them ran away from school and had an accident, their death would be considered a crime, and I would be the one held accountable—possibly even sent to jail for it.
I told them, "You need to learn to be your own school disciplinarian."
I saw that it’s not easy. I understand your perspective, and I agree—if there were time to talk with each of those kids individually, maybe some of the problems could be solved. However, with older kids, it’s much harder because they’ve grown up that way—it took them 18 years to become uncontrollable.
Well. That was my experience, it was nice reading about your experience, you are doing a good job for the kids.
Thanks for sharing your story! What a journey. I don't think it's easy on the teachers and administrators, certainly. I don't really think it's their fault, but rather an issue within the broader education system. I have lots of friends who are teachers/educators and see through them how difficult it can be navigating aggressive teenagers or defensive parents, even. So definitely not a job to be taken lightly.
While I agree about the socializing aspect, I think that's a common misconception of home education. People imagine it as sitting inside the house all day long, which isn't necessarily the case. There's communities built around home education and most parents practicing it that I know take their children to activities, traveling, etc, places where they're able to meet and interact with loads of kids of all ages. That's actually one of my favorite aspects of this style, that it doesn't segregate based on age but rather allows kids to interact with different ages, form hierarchies and relationships with kids at different points in the journey from themselves, which is valuable as they're bound to need that later in life.
Coming back to your story, I think your advice to the kids to become their own disciplinarian was very wise. :)
Thank you @honeydue 🙂 Things have changed in my place and schools are different now, but the problems still persist. Just like the issue you mentioned in this post, Kids are being unheard.
I completely agree. Homeschooling also has lots of benefits and the way you manage their social and leisure time is truly admirable. also, you have the advantage of closely monitoring your children's growth, what they’re learning, and who they’re interacting with. In public schools, kids are often influenced by their peers, sometimes in negative ways, and bad habits like drug use or other harmful behaviors can spread quickly.
As for public schools, They really need someone like you, someone who takes the time to guide and communicate with children, understand their challenges, and help improve their lives. This kind of support is especially crucial at a young age, long before they reach high school or university.
That’s a wild story but it’s a compelling one for sure. I feel bad and admit that I listen to my son in this regard less often than I should. I’m going to make it a point to ask him more of these types of questions, even though he’s not that old yet but trying to do a better job at being a dad and an adult.
I think for sure the issue with a lot of schools is the teachers but definitely the way they are forced into a box. They have to make every kid learn the same thing, the same way and dont veer off otherwise you’ll run afoul and get kicked out. I think part of that is why it makes them bitter and angry.
I was thinking that as well! It's easy enough to come in for the day and be cool teach, but presumably my experience would've been far different as a full-time teacher who has to stick to an (often BS) curriculum they don't care about, get very bad pay and have to put up with all sorts of indignities all damn day. I think even the teachers who go into the job passionate about their field end up resentful and unpleasant because of this being forced into a narrow box. It's very odd, though, you'd think giving you a diploma would also invest you with some sort of good faith. At least in the fields where there's some leeway as to what to teach, why not trust these seemingly apt teachers to teach their own way and subjects rather than insist on a fixed list?