RE: Divide et impera
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I think it can be helpful to discuss, even if people have different opinions, but only when both parties are open to changing their minds (which is very rare). Usually, people just make up their minds about what they believe/who they support and make of that an entire identity. In those cases, I agree, it's best to avoid the subject - so many families have been divided by something so stupid and in the end weighing so little (aren't we all together in this, at the end of the day?)
True, but most don't see it like this. Most think that a politician can improve their life, which mostly does not happen. Our own choices, shape 90% of our life.
I know. It's so tempting to fall into that thinking, isn't it? To just think oh, so-and-so candidate will save me from this chaos (because if it's we who are responsible, we start to feel small and frightened, like we can't save anyone at all)
We shall start by saving ourselves first, and then others.