RE: Salad Good, Bread Bad and cutting down on sugar
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It sounds like you're doing well! And trying different things, which should give you a better idea of what works and doesn't for you and what you'll want to continue long term, eh?
I relate to what you said here! Bread (and affiliates, e.g. pasta and other wheat-y things) only bring a limited benefit to life. Generally, I try to limit them to occasional treats, but not the bulk of diet (and it's certainly very tempting and popular for sandwiches and other pastries and baked goods to make up a huge portion of many diets!). Sugar - oh gosh, yes. I'm definitely seeing a kickback in myself after trying a very strict keto diet at the beginning of the year. It's not for nothing they tell you sugar is a worse addiction than alcohol or nicotine.
I keep hearing about Wim Hoff breathing, but have yet to try! What's it like? Maybe in a future post, eh? Anyway, good luck with the dieting and the Dry January! :)
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