How do you just fall in love with someone else?


I'd been meaning to read The Munkey Diaries for something like a year. It was one of those books that haunts you a bit, in that I remember the day I found it, last spring, in Foyles, just on the boardwalk there. And I took a photo of it and thought ah leave it, I have enough books to schlep back. Meant to look for it at home, then forgot. Then @ladyrebecca tried to get it for me for Christmas, but somehow, the courier ran away to Mexico or something, and I ended up sans book. Finally, I circled all the way back to that little Foyles and found it on my first morning in London, and I figured okay then.

I genuinely think you read some books when you're supposed to.

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Basically, they're the diaries of singer/actress (and fashion icon) Jane Birkin from 1957 all the way to 1982. Personally, I wanted to read them because I love her fashion sense and some of her music, but I wasn't really all that invested in it. Maybe why I left it behind the first time. The diaries, however, turned out to be something much more insightful than the traditional name-dropping, pill-popping frolicking madness that many of these autobiographies turn into.

Quite the contrary, I was stunned by what an insightful, nuanced and inventive writer Birkin was. The book was filled with entries of great tenderness and understanding of the human psyche, even when Birkin herself was quite young (the diaries end when she was 34, so much of it takes place in her 20s).

They chronicle her disastrous marriage to composer John Barry, a figure several years older than her who married Birkin when she was only 19. I remember reading somewhere how awed she was that this great man would bother looking at her. Remember thinking on the one hand "dude, you're Jane fucking Birkin", but on the other, recognizing that thinking. It got me curious before I'd even read the book.

But then, from the car-crash that is her marriage, Birkin segways into her relationship (and musical collaboration) with French icon Serge Gainsbourg. Already a big someone on the artistic scene, and twenty years older than her, Birkin addresses her relationship with Serge on a slightly different level than the one she had with Barry. Though she admires him terribly (she was still so young when they got together), it's clearly a less uneven, healthier relationship.

Time and again, it struck me with how much love she wrote about Serge. Several of the earlier entries, of course, are about how she's never loved anyone more in her entire world, but that's to be expected in the early stages of most relationships. It's not that. It's not saying "oh but how I love him", but the million sweet moments that pass between them in their 12 years together.

There's one scene where one night, feeling ill, Gainsbourg is advised to call an ambulance and while waiting for paramedics, he gets in a terrible fret about washing his feet so that they won't smell, so that people won't think him undignified. It's such a real, human moment, and Birkin of course helps him wash and remains unwavering like an atlantid. Or there are moments when Jane's father is in turn in hospital, being operated on, descriptions of Serge being there, not moving from the hospital, or wracked with pain for all the odds and ends of her big, loving family. How he took in her baby daughter by Barry and suffered silently when she told everyone at school he wasn't her real dad.

There's in the very introduction a story that explains the name of the book, "Munkey" being the name of Birkin's childhood toy to whom she used to address her diaries as a little girl, a habit she continued throughout her life.

Serge kept Munkey's jeans in his attache case until the day he died. Faced with my children's grief, I put Munkey beside Serge in his coffin, where he lay like a pharaoh. My monkey was there to protect him in the afterlife."

I cried when I read that. I'm very childish, still. Perhaps always. Very prone to anthropomorphism and loving little stuffed characters. It's not a weightless gesture.

Naturally, critics were quick to lambast their relationship as toxic, due to his alcoholism and controlling nature. But there was also, undeniably, such great love between these two.

And yet, despite all that, she fell in love with somebody else. I kept thinking, how? It seems naive, I know, but reading just the day before how much they loved one another, it was so strange, seeing her go off with somebody else. In the end, Birkin left Gainsbourg for Jacques Doillon.

How do you love someone, live with them, but then also fall in love with somebody else? How do you know to choose when to stay and when to go? Why is there such fertile ground for pluralism inside the human heart that can hold also one person, but quite well also this new, exciting other?

We think it's silly to question because of how often it happens, except that's not a proper answer as to why it happens or how. Or what you're supposed to do when it does.

Of course, Birkin talks openly of how hurt Serge was, how she told Jacques if something ever happened to Serge, their relationship would end because she wouldn't be able to cope. And it did. Gainsbourg died about a decade later, and soon enough, so did Birkin's relationship with Doillon. I wonder what happened, I wonder if she found a way to cope with the absence of him, her closest confidante. She mentions in a sort of afterword how they were able to have a good, close relationship still, thanks in part to the benevolence of Doillon and Gainsbourg's partner.

So much I still don't understand about our human nature. And is it a miracle, great shame,or perhaps both, this ability we have of loving at the same time multiple people? How do we make choices? And perhaps most of all, how do we live with them, ever after?

It's #threetunetuesday, says @ablaze. And I am pensive, but also need my music. How can I talk of love without speaking also of music? I was going to link their classic collaboration, Je T'Aime...Moi Non Plus, except I don't like that one. I don't think it does her any justice, so instead I'll go for this.

I think it's sexier and more nuanced. Like her.

Because I'm still in love with you
I want to see you dance again

Comme dit si bien Verlaine...

It's a strangely comforting song, I find. Sometimes, il va mauvais. Sometimes, things and people mismatch or come together at ill-fitting times. Besides, I'm a big crier. I cry at everything, so I find this song represents me quite well.

If you listen to one song today, listen to this:

And then, thinking of the two of them and of love, I stumbled across this gorgeous, gorgeous duet and have been listening to it on loop as I write.

Rivivo i giorni scordati
Ma amati sì
Sempre la vita risale
Volendo restare con te

<3 Why does Italian make everything sound so tragic and beautiful? Wanting to stay with you - except maybe that's tragic and beautiful, too.

As a bonus, I wanted to add this one by Charlotte, Serge and Jane's daughter. Of the three of them, I love Charlotte's voice best of all, somehow. I love her style as well, she's girly but also punk, sexy but also mannish in a way. Very interesting woman.

Anyway, how do you love? What are you listening to? How's Tuesday?



Thanks for this write up. It really doesn't answer the question we started with...

How do you just fall in love with someone else?"

But I don't think anyone can really answer the question. We love because we are wired that way. Love is changing and that's a good thing. If I loved my wife like we were in our twenties she couldn't bear it. She needs a more patient and deeper love. I guess if she couldn't find it then her heart would wander too.

The music is a real feel good. Thanks for sharing.


Glad you enjoyed the tunes! And yeah, a lot of what I write doesn't really come to answers, I'm afraid :D Only more questions. You make a good point, I think love changing is a good thing, too. I think to an extent that's what happened with them. She outgrew the figure Serge was in her life and needed a different kind of love. Which doesn't make the love any less real, but one needs to change when circumstance demands it. Thanks for your comment! :)


For every challenge of the human condition, literature (and art in general) provides exploration, if not always answers.

Indeed perhaps this is why the arts are such a powerful influence on us, providing some guidance in an uncertain world.


I feel like we romanticize love as something simple—like once you love someone, that’s it. Her relationship with Serge sounds so raw and real, even if it wasn’t perfect. Now I’m curious to listen to more of their music and maybe even read The Munkey Diaries


You are doing really great stuffs here, reminding us those we might have forgotten, thanks for sharing 🙏


Wow thanks for such a great insight! I’ll have to read it!!

*I want a Birkin so bad😖


I've been in my fair share of relationships. While I still like the idea of romance, I realize I was much more of a romantic when I was younger. Over time, I’ve come to believe that we’re drawn to certain people for a reason—sometimes to learn lessons that may seem harsh at first but ultimately serve us in unexpected, positive ways. Our lives have so many seasons. I’ve always enjoyed people...their quirks, their perspectives, and what I can learn from them. But I’ve also realized that meaningful connections don’t always require physical intimacy. Looking back, it’s striking how much we change as individuals, and how rare it is for two people to grow in the same direction. Or at least closely enough to sustain a truly healthy relationship. It’s possible, but I think it’s rare. Too often, couples stay together out of convenience, even when it comes at the expense of their well-being.


I like how you phrased that - "I've always enjoyed people". It's a marker of a good life. Enjoying being around people and learning from them.

As for the rest, 100%. Yeah. It's hard, I imagine. The older we get, the less inclined we become to have to start all over again, so there's great courage too to realizing you're no longer growing at the same rate. And it seems to me, from what I know of you, you're still a very romantic person in the way you carry yourself. Cause I don't think that's just pertaining to love or romantic relationships, I think it's a way of seeing the world and interacting with interest, as if it's a larger thing you're part of and you can move towards better. Which you seem to do. :)


That's a great point! Being a romantic is so much more than just romantic relationships. That's certainly my life-philosophy. It being a romantic, at its base level, just means you're generally optimistic about life.


I added the book to my library for future reading! Thank you for the recommendation!



Human nature is weird thing indeed. I think it is best to say that there is no recipe to understanding it either. Everyone has different experiences, different views.

Nice post.. I enjoyed reading it. Even though that, I am not much into biographies.


interesting... thanks for sharing your thoughts!


All these questions, I know them:)
Recently I discovered Esther Perel I am reading her second book now, and absolutely love a new insight on the subject. More free, less one or the other. I imagine you would enjoy her to, or maybe already know her:)
