Hive will be present at the XIII edition of LARA FEST [ENG-ESP]

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For 13 years, Barquisimeto has hosted one of the largest, if not the largest event in the central western part of the country. As usual, it will be held at the Bicentennial Fair Complex of Barquisimeto on Saturday July 1st and Sunday July 2nd.

This event is a great fair where regional, national and international companies and institutions can show their work to thousands of people. The organizers, who have been organizing this event for more than a decade, estimate that the influx of people will be between 5 and 7 thousand people during the two days of the event.


In the XII edition of Lara Fest last year, attendees were able to enjoy sound cars, commercial and institutional exhibitions, equine competition and live music shows. Also in that edition in the area dedicated to tourism and the business sector contributed about 130 entrepreneurs, more than 80 large companies and 55 micro entrepreneurs, on the other hand in the gastronomic part there were 25 local retail outlets.

Now, in this 13th edition, new sectors will be incorporated, such as education, sports, health, decoration and technology, in addition to the traditional areas dedicated to the automotive and hardware sectors, among others. But this is not all that is new, but for the first time, the Expo Radio Lara Fest will be held, in which the different radio stations of the city will have the opportunity to set up their booth in the commercial sector.


Why will Hive be present?


Being an event of such magnitude, Hive has the possibility to show itself to all attendees, but, above all, the possibility to connect with companies, entrepreneurs for whom Hive can represent a range of possibilities thanks to the characteristics of its structure as a #web3 blockchain.

There is a powerful added value and it is based on the fact that in the technological area we are the only Blockchain project with a participation, we were invited to have the possibility to be able to be part of this event thanks to the role we played last April at the #expotecnodigital.

Two days with a wide media coverage and we add that both before and during the event, there will be perifoneos throughout the city where hundreds of thousands of people will not only be invited to the event, but they will hear our name #Hive as we will be named for being participants in the commercial area in the technology sector.

It's time to make Hive reach hundreds of thousands of people.





We will enjoy a privileged location, with our imposing stand, and the Hive Barquisimeto team and community present, welcoming visitors and approaching them at the stand.

During the event, we will also have two speakers, on Sunday at 2:00pm. @fermionico and @tsunsica will represent Hive on the stage, and will talk about Hive properties, opportunities, and will call the audience to build in Hive. @tsunsica is part of our team at Hive Barquisimeto, and we are pleased to have the support and solid experience of @fermionico in this opportunity.


Date and Location


July 1st and 2nd

Bicentennial Fair Complex of Barquisimeto

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Hive estará presente en la edición XIII del LARA FEST

Durante 13 años, en Barquisimeto se ha llevado a cabo uno de los eventos más grandes, sino el más grandes de todo el centro occidente del país. Como es costumbre, se realizará en el Complejo Ferial Bicentenario de Barquisimeto durante los días sábado 1ero y domingo 2do del próximo mes de julio.

Este evento es una gran feria donde empresas e instituciones regionales, nacionales e internacionales pueden mostrar su trabajo a miles de personas. Los organizadores que llevan más de una década realizando este evento estiman que la afluencia de personas rondará entre las 5 y 7 mil personas durante los dos días de evento.


En la XII edición del Lara Fest del año pasado los asistentes pudieron disfrutar de sound cars, exposiciones comerciales e institucionales, competencia equina y shows musicales en vivo. También en dicha edición en el área dedicada el turismo y al sector empresarial contribuyeron alrededor de unos 130 empresarios, más de 80 grandes empresas y 55 micro empresarios, por otro lado en la parte gastronómica se pudo contar con 25 locales de venta al público.

Ahora, en esta edición número XIII incorporarán nuevos sectores, tales como educación, deportes, salud, decoración y tecnología, además de las ya tradicionales áreas dedicada al sector automotriz, ferretero, entre otros. Pero esto no es todo lo novedoso, sino que por primera vez, se realizará la Expo Radio Lara Fest, en la que las diferentes emisoras de la ciudad tendrán la oportunidad de montar su stand en el sector comercial.


¿Por que Hive estará presente?


Al ser un evento de tal magnitud, Hive tiene la posibilidad de mostrarse a todos los asistentes, pero, sobre todo, la posibilidad de conectar con empresas, emprendedores para quienes Hive puede representar un abanico de posibilidades gracias a las características de su estructura como blockchain de #web3

Hay un poderoso valor agregado y se basa en el hecho de que en el área tecnológica somos el único proyecto Blockchain con una participación, nos invitaron a tener la posibilidad de poder formar parte de este evento gracias al rol que desempeñamos en el pasado mes de abril en la #expotecnodigital.

Dos días con un amplia cobertura mediática y sumamos que tanto antes como durante el evento, habrán perifoneos por toda la ciudad donde cientos de miles de personas no solo serán invitadas al evento, sino que escucharán nuestro nombre #Hive ya que seremos nombrados por ser participantes del área comercial en el sector tecnología.

Es tiempo de hacer que Hive llegue a cientos de miles de personas.





Gozaremos de una ubicación privilegiada, con nuestro imponente stand, y el quipo y comunidad de Hive Barquisimeto presente, recibiendo a los visitantes y abordándolos en el stand.

Durante el evento, además, tendremos dos ponentes, el día domingo a las 2:00pm. @fermionico y @tsunsica representarán a Hive en la tarima, y hablaran sobre las propiedades de Hive, oportunidades, y harán el llamado a los espectadores a construir en Hive. @tsunsica es parte de nuestro equipo en Hive Barquisimeto, y nos complace contar en esta oportunidad con el apoyo y sólida experiencia de @fermionico.



Fecha y Ubicación


Julio 1ero y 2do

Complejo Ferial Bicentenario de Barquisimeto




alla estare que bueno que mas personas se informen y animen a formar parte de hive


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Check out our last posts:

Hive Power Up Day - July 1st 2023
Announcing the Travel Reimbursement Fund for HiveFest⁸

My previous @v4vapp proposal has expired. I have a new one which is running but unfunded right now. I'm still running @v4vapp and all my other services.

I've just updated and I'm getting ready for some exciting new features after the next hard fork.

Please consider asking your friends to vote for prop #265 or consider unvoting the return vote.

For understandable reasons in the current crypto climate it is harder to get funded by the DHF, I accept this so I'm asking a wider audience for help again. I'll also add that I power up Hive every day and usually power up larger amounts on 1st of the Month. I'm on Hive for ideological reasons much more than for only economic benefit.

Additionally you can also help with a vote for Brianoflondon's Witness using KeyChain or HiveSigner

If you have used I'd really like to hear your feedback, and if you haven't I'd be happy to hear why or whether there are other things you want it to do.
