
Nothing can be compared to focus. If you find a man who is ready for destiny, one of the ways you know is on the right path is his focus. He is about what is doing.

That is what Jesus showed at the age of 12. When every others child was playing around, he was at the temple doing what he was called to do. Jesus was about his business.

When the parents of Jesus travelled, it was after three days that they discovered that Jesus was not with them. And they looked for him. And when they found him in the temple he said to them "Why are you looking for me, don't you know I should be about my father's business. At the age of 12, no wonder no man has ever been like him. The level of focus and tenacity Jesus had at the age of 12, so many people who are 50 now do not have.

Many people are just all over the place, that is the reason they cannot achieve great things.

Mathew 6:22

The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.

Focus on God, focus on your family, focus on your business, focus on the things that will add value and things will always work out for your Good because God is always with you.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
