Keep Shinning, Your Season Is Coming.

When people around us look down us, we should not feel that is because we are not good enough. God's plan is not thesame as that of man.

Some of you are like the woman at the well of Samaria, the people around don't actually know who you truly are. You feel worthless whenever you are around your circle of friends, you always feel that one who is behind. And your friends will give you the impressions that this is true, they talk you out and see you as not a match for them.

You might feeling because you are not praying and fasting more like them, that is why you are lacking behind. Some of us feel because we did not start doing something useful with our lives early. But the truth is that they are the ones who do not truly know who you are.

It is God's plan that people do not see your worth early, so that you will not be celebrated early, and you start getting enemies you can handle too early and go to an early grave. You have a good heart but nobody knows you. You are skilled, talented and Knowledgeable, but no one have acknowledged that in your or present.

That stage when you carry so much value in you but no one seems to notice it is very important. This will equipped you to grow and when you become a high valued person, you can be able to know those who have are going through such situation, and you can be able to pass love and compassion to such people when no one does.

If you are experiencing such season as a Christian in your life, it is not time to feel bitter, hate people and think that God has forgotten you. Later, when your light start shining, they will come back to celebrate you, but deep down you know this was the person you have been when no ones acknowledged you, but they did not seem to understand back then.

Some of us are not known in the churches where we worship or in our gatherings. We have to be careful on how we truth people who are in their down moment in life, God can change their story and everything about them will change suddenly.

Keep shinning brethren.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha
