Anointing Needs Time To Manifest

God's Anointed


So you're probably at a point in your life where you realize that you've been called by God and you've been anointed for a specific purpose that you were supposed to spend your life fulfilling. But I've seen that one of the things that happens for such people is that you are always under pressure to perform.

You're always feeling the need to rush to start manifesting and start doing the things that you have in your heart to do the visions that God is showing you. You feel the need to rush to execute this because there is no time.

Now, one of the stories that stand out to me in the Bible is the story of David. David was just but a teenager when he was anointed by Prophet Samuel to become the next king of Israel. Imagine, he was a teenager, he was anointed to become next king of Israel, but it took him till he was 30 years old before he became appointed as king of Israel. That means that there was a long gap between his time of calling and his time of manifestation.

And this is usually the case of lots of people wherein you recognize that you've been called but you don't recognize the appointed time for you to start manifesting. What happens is that you start rushing and you start feeling pressure to do, thinking of how should start doing programs.

The Bible says there is a time for every purpose and that all things work together for good, for those who love God and are called according to his holy purpose.

So If you're such a person and you feel like you're under pressure to perform, what you're supposed to do is to embrace patience. You should allow patience to have its perfect work done in you so that you will become whole and prepared to execute all that God has placed inside of you.

But when you don't do that and you start rushing to perform and manifesting, you will burn out and feel frustrated because all the things that you're going to set out to do wouldn't be working and you start feeling that you made a mistake. Probably God didn't really call me.

The calling is not the problem. It's your timing that is the problem. Probably the season that you're in now is your season of service or your season of waiting, wherein you're supposed to be pruned and equipped and prepared to execute the will of God for your life. It takes maturity and spiritual discipline to recognize that even though I've been called,

You supposed to wait. And that even though you have been gifted, you are supposed to wait to be lifted. Don't be in a hurry to step out. Allow God to do his work in you perfectly. And he will cause you to shine and your name will be heard when it's time.

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