HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #405

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @kingsleyy

Community: The Ink Well
12 Out Of 52: The Shocking Result
I passed through one of the most difficult high schools in my Local Government Area, where failure is highly celebrated by the school because it gives out the identification that it's a standard school that doesn't pass or promote students anyhow, it's only the highly intelligent students that get promoted and anything average intelligence gets to keep repeating the classes. It's a government school with very cheap school fees to the tone of a Maximum of N2,000 per session and this made our parents push us into the school to go and be highly intelligent and even if failures were coming repeatedly, they were not bothered because the school fees is a small thing and it became simpler to them when the government declared free education for up to five years. While it became simpler for the parents, it became tougher for us because the promotion criteria increased and tightly locked. This time, not only the highly intelligent were to get promoted but the extra highly intelligent ...
Author: @terjix

Community: The Ink Well
The Mystery of The Lovely Letters
It was Valentine's eve. I had stopped by the office that morning by 6. am to pick up the gift box I had forgotten at the office the previous night. When I stepped into the company building, there she was, mopping the corridors ...
Author: @jetta.amaya

Community: The Ink Well
Johanna's Decisions (English/Spanish)
Johanna met Edgar at a small art exhibition in the town where they both lived. The place was nothing splendid, an ordinary shed with dim lights and old paint on the walls. But any place was a verse of poetry for Johanna, who at the time was a passionate, life thirsty young artist. Edgar stood in a corner of the room with his simple production of earthenware cups ...

Curated By:
Author: @bananzell

Community: Photography Lovers
A day at the Anthropological Museum
Hello hello people ^^ Nice to be here again. I've been a little busy these past 3 weeks where 1 week, I spent making preparation for my boyfriend's arrival then the rest, I spent with my boyfriend XD So I have never actually dated a man that has ever shown an interest in my culture and in my desires to have a museum date XD this was my first museum date and I loved every bit of it. So the exhibit started from the second floor and that floor mostly covered Chinese trades and galleon trade stories. Mostly pottery techniques and theories about how different routes influenced different artistic endeavors of the people in the country because we were mostly talking about how the souther islands mostly cover Polynesian cultural similarities while the northern part played mostly on Chinese and surrounding Asian similarities ...
Author: @sbs24

Community: DIYHub
Paper crafting cuddles: BEAR necessities a paper DIY
Hello everyone! I hope you're doing great today. I would like to share with you all my output. This is what I do in my spare time, and it can help us with decorating our homes, especially for those students and moms doing homework for their children ...
Author: @minahilrana

Community: Sketchbook
Sketch of Sofia Lillis an American actress
]( Hello, I'm back with one of my artworks. So how are you all? Hope you're all doing well. Actually, this reference was sent to me by a friend of mine ...

Curated By:
Author: @marcomedia

Community: Hive JA
日本人も良く使っている人気の海外取引所のBybitやBitgetが日本のAppStoreから削除されて、界隈がざわざわしてる。 海外取引所に上場している国産BCGにもかなり影響してくるニュースで、さっそくラスメモのトークンであるGEEKを避難させる(一時的に利確?)動きも起きている。 ラスメモは昨夜(2/5)のAMAでRoninチェーン対応などの新施策の話で盛り上がってたので痛い。 ただ、他のOasys系のトークン、例えばブレヒロのBPCなど、国内取引所に上場してないが、DEXでOAS(こちらは国内取引所に上場されている)に替えて日本円までできるので、GEEKも同じような形で現金化できるので、大丈夫な気がするんだけど、いかんせんOAS GEEKの流動性が少なすぎるので、enishさんには早急にテコ入れしてほしい。 ...
Author: @hannymarchan

Community: Holos&Lotus
El Rechazo: Un dolor que marca nuestras vidas para siempre // Rejection: A pain that marks our lives forever
Hello dear hive community! 😉 ¡Hola querida comunidad de hive! 😉 Creo que antes de comenzar a desarrollar el tema de hoy es propicio preguntarnos, ¿Has sufrido rechazo? Lamentablemente, este deja una cicatriz emocional profunda cuyos efectos se pueden sentir aún de adulto… Conozcamos un poco sobre el rechazo ...
Author: @ekakizine

Community: Hive JA
とりあえず投稿しよう(Japanese Only)
まずは投稿が基本 Hiveで報酬をもらうには、ブログで記事を書いて得られる報酬(投稿者報酬)と、誰かのブログ記事にいいねをつけてもらえる報酬(キュレーション報酬)とがあります。そこでまずは投稿者報酬を得るために、ブログを書きましょう。 ブログを書きましょうと言っても、、 などを使えば投稿画面は英語である以外はほとんどよくあるブログの投稿画面と変わりません。 を例にとると、右上側にいくつかアイコンがならんでいますが、鉛筆(ペン?)のアイコンを押して Create a Post をクリックすると投稿画面に変わります。下の画像のような画面が出てきます。 書いてみよう 画面の左側に入力していくと、右側にプレビューが出てきます。 太字ならB、斜字ならI、見出しはH等、感覚的にわかるかと思います。画像はアイコンをクリックすると選択肢が出てきますが、アップロードしたい時は Upload Images をクリックします。 手持ちの写真をアップロードしたのが下の画像です。 書いたら右側のプレビューと見比べて、投稿した時にどう表示されるかをチェックしましょう。 マークダウン記法 なおHiveのブログはマークダウン記法に対応しています。 マークダウンはHTMLよりも軽量で簡単という利点があります。マークダウン記法の一覧表は検索したらたくさん出てきますが、これが見やすいかなと思いますのでリンクを貼っておきます。 タグをつけよう 入力画面の下にTopicsという欄があります。ここにタグを入力しましょう。言語や記事内容によって、例えば日本語の投稿ならjapanese、DIYの投稿ならdiyなどです。PeakDの場合は10個までタグをつけられるようです。 投稿しよう 思い通りに投稿するために、入力画面とプレビュー画面は間違いないかチェックしましょう。 長い文章を書いている時は右下のSAVE DRAFTをクリックして下書き保存することも可能です。 完成したら、右下隅のPUBLISHのボタンをクリックして投稿しましょう。 ...

Curated By:
Mutilated Mermaid🩸
Returning again to Alice's reality I want to show you how despite the dark aspect of the city where she lives, it has some interesting things and in a way some strange places can be fantastic. “Starting with the mutilated mermaid's cellar”, so join me to see this tourist specimen. Cover created in Photoshop with screenshots from the video game Something I can't explain is how I got to the dock, because the truth is that after Alice's hallucinations, we appeared in this place. The fantasies are over, and the real world welcomes us again, starting a little loud because some sailors were saying some off colour comments ...

Curated By:
Author: @corvidae

Community: Black And White
Which comes first, the feeling or the creative impulse? The feeling, you might think, to drive the creativity, the big emotional beast of flurry always searching for an outlet. But the outlet, I think, is also an input, a place to plug in, peer inside, draw from the great store of residue and irresolution of life's emotional events. The bird, the egg ...
Author: @daveks

Community: Photography Lovers
Look Out
On this particular hike, the trail led down to a small lake, but first there was this cool three storey Lookout tower to explore! So up I went. There was a pretty strong wind presence in effect, so I could hear the creaks of the structure somewhat. It was a little intimidating — but it had to be climbed ...
Author: @pranavinaction

Community: Worldmappin
Hiking the Ridge after Ridge. Beyond the Pir Panjal Himalayan Range. The Top of Solang Mountain.
Julley Everyone, I will call it a beautiful day and a day that I’ll remember throughout my lifetime, So it is the continuation of my blog post and my expedition that I was on about exploring the whole Mountain Range that covered the other mountain Peaks around Mt. Patalsu. The mountain peak has a lot to say as it is a 13 km expedition all together, there were a lot of different spaces all around the place and in order to cover all of the journey I need to form different blog posts about that so that I could share the experience with you guys, as it was a big expedition, so it is the pinpoint location and the journey beyond the mountain peak that I called the Dragon peak, as it was just the edge of the Mt. when we took a right turn towards it as there was nothing at the top of it ...

Curated By:
Author: @devyleona

Community: Foodies Bee Hive
Yummy Affordable Chicken Menu
Hello, friends especially coffee lovers! Recently when i was at my mommy's house, not far from the house, there is a modest restaurant that is well known and is a legend for many university students near it. Eventhough the place was not large and modest, when we came there at 6.22 pm, there were some motorcycles parked in front of it. It means that some customers were there ...
A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONE – Fear Begins, Silence is the Key (REVIEW)
A QUIET PLACE: DAY ONEFear Begins, Silence is the Key Hello Movie Lovers! You must have heard about the movie "A Quiet Place", there are many series of this movie before. And this time I want to review one of the series entitled "A Quiet Place: Day One". This movie is very tense for me, because this movie tells the story of an alien creature that is sensitive to sound, and makes us who watch it also fall silent and hold our breath ...
Author: @putu300

Community: Daily Blog
The Art of Making Coconut Oil
In the quiet village of Desa Tua, there’s a special place called Rumah Desa, where visitors can experience traditional Balinese culture and farming. During my visit, along with two clients, I had the chance to learn how to make coconut oil from my acquaintance, Putu Candra, a local tour guide who demonstrated the entire process—one that requires patience, and certain skill. The journey began with peeling the coconut husk using a traditional tool, a task that looked effortless in Putu’s hands but clearly required skill. Once the husk was removed, he cracked open the coconut by striking it against a piece of metal—a simple yet effective technique ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 80 Discord servers, with over 11417 Hive users!

© 2025 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris
