HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation #278

Welcome to the HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation Report!

This periodic compilation, highlights a selection of posts and authors, curated by some of the various curation projects and communities that use the HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot for curating.

It's a collection that showcases the top daily curated posts by each of these communities / projects. Highlighting the authors and communities to support their efforts.

Please consider visiting these authors and checking out their wonderful posts.

Highlighted Posts:

Curated By:
Author: @osomar357

Community: The Ink Well
Fiction: The Puppies and the Treasure of the Jungle: A Journey of Redemption. Children's story. Original Content. EN/ESP.
In the Sierra de Perijá in the State of Zulia, near a very beautiful lagoon, which was fed by the waters that deviated in one of the great bends of the Tukuko River, three puppies lived who were very friends and, they spent time together, playing in the jungle, there they enjoyed a lot, the beauty of the flowers, the beautiful and heavenly architecture formed by the branches of the big trees and the huge stones that were on the banks of the river, where they played tirelessly. The three of them enjoyed the trees very much, and they always felt grateful to them, because the trees covered them from the sun's rays, when it was a very hot day, through the shadows of their branches, and also the trees, also protected them from the rain, in addition, they gave them excellent hiding places for when they played hide and seek, and what those three beautiful puppies liked most, were the very tasty fruits that the trees gave and that they enjoyed eating so much. The most gluttonous of the group was, Camilo, in addition, he was the biggest of all, he was a cub of a Frontino Bear, Camilo is very strong and brave, and also had a very noble and honest heart, he believes himself the caretaker of the jungle and its inhabitants, since he has a great sense of justice and friendship. By his side, there is always Susana, his lifelong friend, she was born the same week as him ...
Author: @kingsleyy

Community: The Ink Well
Sense on vacation
Last week's Saturday evening around 6:00 pm when I was rounding up to shutdown for the day, I saw one of my neighbours, Nelson whom we are close to each other, returning from work with his backpack tightly fixed on his back and was walking very fast. He walked past where I was with his face thrown at the opposite side and didn't even alter a word of greeting as he normally does anytime we see. Upon noticing what just happened, I paused what I was packing and let out a smile. "Could it be that he's acting strange due to what I told him yesterday"? ...
Author: @quan45

Community: The Ink Well
Seeing smiles on my family members' faces is always more than enough for me. The joy in celebration and the bond that grows amongst us daily is exceptional. My cousin has been with us for a month and her staying with us is the best part of it all because she sows. And hey, she's no ordinary seamstress, she's a fashionista as well ...

Curated By:
Author: @ifarmgirl

Community: FreeCompliments
Our Lil Trip & Field Fun
The sky cleared up yesterday afternoon so we headed out of town for groceries and other stuff. As always, our fur baby was excited he was by the window not only to sightsee but to howl at any dog he'd see along the way, lol! We dropped by Mr. B's for important stuff and after an hour, we went further down to the valley where our favorite grocer was. "Aah, so crazy we come all the way here for groceries," I joked ...
Author: @theindiankid

Community: Hive Learners
Smartians Before Smart Cars
JKB Hello Smartians Before Smart Cars Constructive criticism told with decency wins the heart of one sitting in your opposite. And one such meme or slang going viral that my country is not for beginners. It sounds funny but deep in the meme, the narration favors showing the lack of civic sense powered by ill governance. Not everything can be superimposed on technology and not every expectation can be met ...
Author: @supernova004

Community: Indiaunited
It's so hot here, where I live. From morning through to evenings, when it should at least be fairly cool, it would be so hot. It is a nightmare to sleep without the fans or air conditioning turned on. Back at my parents' house, it is different ...

Curated By:
Author: @genrigp

Community: Holos&Lotus
Lanzando modalidad de sesiones online de psicoanálisis | Launching online psychoanalysis session modality [ES/EN]
Las blockchains o al menos las que conozco , tienen la condición de que todo lo que se haga en ellas será imperecedero, imborrable. Si bien se trata de una característica bastante controversial en mi criterio dadas las implicaciones que tienen desde el punto de vista de la privacidad, es cierto que nos hace pensarnos no dos, sino tres o cuatro veces lo que sea que vayamos a publicar en el entorno de las SoFi. Es por ello, y porque ha sido Hive el ecosistema que me dio la posibilidad de no solo tener mi propio blog que utilizo a modo de divulgación, sino también comunidades que acogieron bien mi contenido, que hoy doy a conocer por esta vía lo siguiente. Aclaro que este será una entrada de blog bastante personal en comparación con las publicaciones que generalmente hago ...
Author: @zulfrontado

Community: Holos&Lotus
Tu entorno influye más de lo que crees | Your environment influences more than you think
Hello, dear hiver! ❤️ Si se tiran por un barranco, ¿tú también lo vas a hacer? No pude evitar pensar en ello mientras leía algunos post en la comunidad relacionados con el entorno. Esta frase tan nuestra, típica de las madres, nos hace pensar en más que ello ...
Author: @frankblack

Community: Holos&Lotus
Cicatrices del pasado (Esp/Eng)
Cicatrices del pasado Hola amigos de Hive Blog. Aca traigo como de costumbre mis temas lleno de reflexión. Esta vez quiero hablarle del pasado y lo que implica reconocerlo y sanarlo en nuestro presente ya que para muchos hablar de su pasado implica tocar muchas heridas que no se ven pero que se sienten. Muchos de nosotros hemos tenido un pasado doloroso donde seguramente es mejor no recordarlo porque aún duele en nuestra mente y por ende en nuestro presente, sin embargo ese pasado cuando no se ha sanado nos define en nuestro presente y se convierte en resentimientos que no nos permiten avanzar ...

Curated By:
Author: @bertrayo

Community: Hive Diy
Woodworking Wednesdays | Get On the Mould
Hello there, my fellow artisans and handcrafts enthusiasts! Welcome back to another entry on this project. Last time, we finished the back and started the assembly process by gluing sound board and neck together. That is what we call the Spanish method ...
Author: @equipodelta

Community: Hive Diy
Blue eternal roses to decorate my tarot table / Rosas eternas azules para decorar mi mesa de tarot (Esp/Eng)
Spanish English Cinta de raso N°9 blanco, azul claro, azul rey y verde manzana Satin ribbon N°9 white, light blue, royal blue and apple green Palitos de altura Sticks of height Tijera, pinza Scissors, clamp Pistola de silicón Silicone gun Paso a paso / Step by Step Step 1️⃣/ Paso 1️⃣ Créditos / Credits Program: Tablet Huion model 420 💜💜💜 👉 👉 👉 👉 ...
Author: @mily23m

Community: Hive Diy
[ENG/ESP] Libreta con hojas blancas encoladas, Reciclando un block de dibujo 🩷✨Notebook with glued white sheets, Recycling a drawing block 🩷✨
✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨ Hola querida comunidad de hivediy y comunidad artesanos ✨ el día de hoy les traigo un nuevo post completando la segunda parte de mi proyecto diy anterior , en el cuál usaba un block de dibujo que encontré en traki (tienda venezolana) bastante barato, y mi idea era usarlo para hacer una libreta pequeña de hojas blancas ,ya que estas me encantan y suelen ser algo mas caras , así que para ese proyecto utilice la mitad del Block de dibujo, y me quedo libre la otra mitad ,por los qué les traje este proyecto creativo para hacer una libreta o block con hojas blancas pero que esta quede con las hojas encoladas y se puedan despegar fácilmente, de esta forma usando un block de dibujo salieron dos proyectos de libretas para dibujar 🖍️, sin más que decir ,les dejo el proceso en fotos aqui ↘️ ⬇️ ↙️ Materiales 🖍️ Block de dibujo 🖍️ Tijeras 🖍️ Regla 🖍️ Pega blanca 🖍️ Cartón reciclado y cartulinas 🖍️ Marcadores para dibujo 🖍️ Pinturas doradas/pigmento dorado 🖍️ Pintura blanca ✨Manos a la obra✨ English Version ✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨🖍️✨ Hello dear hivediy community and artisan community ✨ today I bring you a new post completing the second part of my project diy previous , where you use a block of a drawing that I found in this store (Venezuelan store) quite cheaply, and my idea was to use it to make a small libreta of white hojas, which enchanted me and could be something more expensive, so for this project I used the block of Block I draw it, and I'm free there again mitad, for those who use this creative project to make a libretta or block with white notes, but it remains with the curled leaves and can be released easily, in ...

Thank you for checking out HiveDiscoMod Curation Compilation. Hopefully you can take some time to visit some of the featured authors.

If you want to know more about HiveDiscoMod, its vast useful functionalities for communities and curation projects, check out this introductory post.

For deploying a fully fledged curation system, this post explains the details.
Or if you are interested in deploying a delegations curation rewards distributor, you can check out this post to know how to set it up.

Which Curators Are Included In The Report?
Any community or project that deployed HiveDiscoMod Discord Bot on their discord server and are using the bot for their curation!

Each of the communities / curators featured in this report are added as beneficiaries on this curation report.
Any extra rewards received on this post will help with the continuous development efforts, maintenance and the upkeep of the bot. Keeping it running for the benefit of everyone.

Your friendly Discord Bot for your Hive Community, Curation, and Delegations Rewards Distribution Needs!

Currently deployed on 72 Discord servers, with over 8064 Hive users!

© 2024 | @hivediscomod | By: @yaziris


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