Upgrading The Curriculum To Feature The Relevant
Social media is a world of its own, which many don't have the proper guide for when they find themselves in its corners. I remember some weeks back we wrote about if it's proper for organizations to access one's social media in the process of an interview. Many frowned at it, but to me, I feel that if you don't need the public to know about you, there is no point in putting it there because the truth remains that as long as you post out there, it's not in your power to control again.
Asking if it is a wise thing to include courses on social media to be included in our curriculum, well, to me, it is a welcomed idea. Social media is a wide space, and we have lots of social media platforms. Each social media platform does have what they have in mind before creating it. Just the way we go to school to acquire knowledge on things, introducing social media into our school as a course is a very good idea for several reasons, which I will be sharing with you.
Anyone that just gains access to a smartphone will want to get these two apps, Facebook and WhatsApp, that are in my region. Many who go to these platforms have little or no knowledge of how it all goes. Talking about Facebook, not only is it a platform that helps one connect with friends and family and store up pictures, but there are also other things one can achieve using this social platform that many don't know about. So this course will also teach the students how to monetize the platform, which will also serve as an income for them, rather than just wasting time posting pictures and saying things that make no sense.
Also, there is a culture that we need to have while approaching these social media platforms, which many don't bother with. Just like this saying, you will be addressed the way you dress, so also you will be rated according to what you present using the socials. This is why it is important to check what you send out to the public because many have lost great opportunities because of the way they present themselves on the socials.Lots of dangers are in the improper use of social media; for instance, I have seen people who drop any little progress they make on their social handle, and through this, they were marked down.
Also, I heard of people who met their untimely date as a result of relating every step they make on social media. Imagine someone was traced to the place he was going because he was just updating his social handle without knowing that he was being monitored. When his killers were later apprehended and several questions were asked, they opened up that they got details from his social handle.One major downside I see with introducing this course maybe the misuse of the whole process, some students may fill that they know it all so there will be little or no interest from them without understanding that there is need to be properly exposed to what they feel they know.
But in all, the positive impact the introduction of a course like social media management will have on the students and the society will be more than the negative impact. This course may be introduced as a general course rather than a certificate course or it could be introduced as as a professional course. For instance there are lots of professional bodies in existence and many go for it and those who know the importance still go for the course till date.My input to the second edition of this week's prompt in this noble community.
Considering the negative impressions social media has caused amongst many people if injected into the school as a subject would really go a long way to develop the students.
Thanks for sharing
Yes, it is the development we are now looking at because many a under using it.
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