My Followers And My Family Will Serve God

Good day everyone.Trusting you are all doing good.Am here today again to share with you what I studied from the Book of Joshua Chapter 24. There are 33 verses in Joshua chapter 24.

Chapter 24 of Joshua explained how Joshua summoned the elders, leaders, Judges and officials of Israel, and presented them before God in Shechem for the renewal of their covenant with Him.
Joshua told them from verse 1 to 14 all the faithfulness of God and he also gave them reasons why they should continue to serve God.

The lesson From here is that, we are not suppose to denial God or refuse to serve Him no matter the situation we may find ourselves but we are to count our blessings and what he has done for us in the past and trust His ability that He will still do it again and again.Am sure that is what Joshua was telling them by mentioning how God was with Abraham the covenant he entered into with Isaac and Jacob and all the fulfilment.

We also need to frequently renew our Covenant with God by meeting with him regularly.
Joshua was a good leader.We need to also emulate his way or type of leadership.

Joshua determined to serve God as well his family . Read Joshua chapter 24:15. That's leadership by example for others to follow. It is a pity today that we hardly have such leaders with whole family living by example. If we as parents or leaders in different capacity deviate not from serving God, our children and followers will continue to serve God more .

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Joshua's leadership is so unique that people could serve the Lord all his days. It is still a desire to find leaders like Joshua in our world today
