Don't Be A Careless Talker

Good everyone friends and a blessed new month to you all. How was your night? I believe you are doing great.

Today I will be sharing with you what I learned from the third chapter of Genesis. Genesis chapter three verse one to the end talks about the Fall of Man. It starts with the subtle and cunning serpent questioning Eve about God's command concerning the forbidden tree in the middle of the garden of Eden.

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The Cunning serpent wins Eve's heart and told her to eat the forbidden fruit, that if she did, She will be like God and will know good and evil. Eve eats the fruit and gives some to Adam, who also eats it. As they did eat, their eyes opened, and they discovered that they are naked, so they sew fig leaves together to cover themselves.

When God visits the garden in the cool of evening, Adam and Eve hide themselves because they are afraid and ashamed. God call them out, and both of them confess their disobedience, but Adam blames Eve, and Eve blames the serpent.
God then said to the Serpent you will continue to crawl on your belly and eat dust. For you Eve, you will continue to experience increase in pain during childbirth and you will be subordinate to your husband. As for you
Adam, you will toil and struggle to eat from the ground.

So sad. Both Adam and Eve are expelled from the Garden of Eden and God decided
to place cherubim and a flaming sword to guard the entrance to Eden.

The lessons I learned from
this chapter is all about creation, human disobedience, and the consequences of sin.
If we behave like Adam and Eve, we will definitely loose important things in life.
God is calling us to obedience and not disobedience.
I also learned that we should only take godly instructions but not ungodly.
Again, don't be a careless talker or a talkative. Imagine Eve telling the serpent everything God told them. Instead her answering the serpent with simple yes or no, she downloaded everything.
Friends I charged you to be wise and remain faithful in God.

Remember, a careless talker is a self destroyer. Ride with this in this month and you will win every day
