Divine Arrangement
Good evening to you this beautiful working day. Hope you enjoyed your day.
I am always happy studying and sharing the scriptures.
I am sharing with us what stood out for me today in the book of Esther chapter one verse one to 10.
But I will be particular about one or two verses.
In chapter 1:9 of Esther,we realized that, the king was drunk, happy and wanted his beloved wife to come and show his friends her beauty but the queen declined which made the king furious.
I felt that Vashti as a woman, would have gone to show respect and explain the situation to the king and he would have understood her.
But that was Gods' plan to create space for Esther.
I pray for you today, God will allow a situation that will favor you and take you to the throne and place of honor.
I learned also that, being humble and God fearing made Esther to find favor in the palace.
There's a reason God put you in that position or situation you are currently.dont worry.He is setting you up for the top.
Don't worry, with prayer and fasting, closed doors will be widely open.
God can use your enemy or anything or situation to lift you up. Thank you for reading. God bless you.