Love Is The Greatest Asset


“Show me who your friends are, and I'll tell Who you are.” People can easily predict the kind of person you're based on the kind of friends you keep.
Love can make one follow you to any length; Love is stronger than blood; Love is practical, love is the greatest.
If you have 1 million friends, without love they will forsake you when you are in need or when challenges come. Love is the strongest bond that binds people together. Love will make you look at your friends or neighbors as your family members.

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have no charity, I am nothing.” - 1 Corinthians 13:2

Among all the values, love is the strongest. Material things cannot be compared to love- money, golds, silvers, properties and more. Love is above ruby and diamond!
Love is love.
Love makes someone entrust his assets to others, love makes one bring someone that is not a family member to live with him.

“ And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor, and though I give my body to be burned, and have no charity, it profiteth me nothing.” - 1 Corinthians 13:3
Love never gives up on friends, family and anything good.
When you face persecution or temptation, love will be there for you. Those who love you will make you forget your challenges.
I remembered when I was ill, a friend of mine was always with me and that was because he loved me. Some of my family members didn't call me but my friend was visiting me. He was cooking for me, giving me the drug to take, and running an errand for me.
When money fails you, love cannot fail you- Money fails at times. I have heard of situations where people were in critical condition; and money can no longer save them because they have spent money, and they were ready to spend more to revive them but money failed them.

Love is a strong medication that can heal broken and depressed souls.
Love changed the heart of someone that wanted to commit suicide; Love healed and mended the hearts of people that were oppressed and depressed; Love healed a broken heart. Love brought a dead person back to life.
love is quicker than medicine to heal: Love stopped a war, love made people to be in love with other animals.


Love cares more for others than self- Love is not jealous or angry. Love is happiness when you are making progress and showing you the way to be successful. Someone that love will always be happy when his friends are successful, supporting them, praying for them even though it is not up to their standard.
When you are fighting with love, Love will be making every possible way to make peace with you. Love does not take revenge but forget everything and move on.

Love is always positive even when things are not positive. A person that loves does not look at the negative sides of his friends. He always looks at the positive sides of them.

Love is a go-getter- Love will make sure that its plans are achieved. Love is very industrious, vigilant and kind. Love will wake up early in the morning, and get to work before the time; make sure all work are done perfectly, happy with everyone in the office, close at stipulated time. Love will not get angry or complain when his boss gives him too much work in the office. Love will not only do the work but perfectly do it.
Love will get home, be at peace with everyone in the family.

Love is transparent- Love doesn't hide things, love doesn't lie. One can easily predict what love can do: That is the reason some people will say “this man cannot do this because I know him very well." I have seen a situation where a friend said, " I bet with my life, it is not my friend that steals the money, “ and in the end, it wasn't him.

Love is the only value that doesn't have disadvantages- Other values have advantages but love does not.

Love does not condemn- No matter how horrible you are, love will motivate you to do better. Love will not blame or condemn you. When you fail in life, love will tell you that Success is on your way; love will not condemn you because you fail, love will teach you the best ways to be successful. Love will inspire and energize you. Love will always make you happy every time.

“The wound of one is the wound of all. The pains of others is the pain of all.”- TB Joshua

Love is the core value I need im friendship. When you one finds love, he finds all other values of friendship.

This is my Day 1 #juneinleo

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HHmmm llove supersede verything though i can relate to that, i guess love is greater than sacrifices


it depends on our perception... some people believe that sacrifice is greater than love why some people believe that love is stronger than sacrifice.


Hmmm i think without love then they wont be no sacrifice.
