Innovation Of Web 2.0 and Web 3.0 Technology


If we look back at the development of technology and the Internet, we have seen new innovations or ideas erupted.
Decades ago, during the time of my grandfather, there was no Web 2.0 and Web 3.0.
Web 2.0 is a second Generation of World Wide Web that allows the users to interact with web pages, social interaction or social networking, user-generated content, interfering between people and information. The example of web 2.0 is #hive, #inleo Facebook, and many more.
These aforementioned sites allow users to view other people's contents, share, and comment.
For example, #inleo is built in such a way that a user can generate his/her content, while other users can share the content, and comment.
In web 2.0 it is like networking where you create content, join a social media page, and more people are joining the platform; then, it gets bigger and bigger; subscribers grow from 100-1,000, from 1,000-10,000.
Web 2.0 allows users to vote: there are many sites that allow subscribers to upvote and downvote contents. Users have the say over a content created by another user.

But in web 1.0, it is only for reading and acquiring information. There is no feature where subscribers could interact with content and comment.
The 1st Generation of World Wide Web is a self-usage site that allows users to research and sort out information.

Web 3.0 is also called Semantic web. It is a decentralized application built on blockchain. It allows individuals to control personal data. That is all I know about the Third Generation of World Wide Web because I'm a novice

As we all know that innovation is generating new ideas, products and solutions to a particular thing. As knowledge increases, new products are created and discovered through innovation such as AI, blockchain, meterverse, 5G network, machine learning, etc.
Important Of innovation
Improves life in technology
There are many products that have been created through the process of new ideas such as robots. I watched a clip on Facebook. I saw that new robots made by Elon musk that can do work more efficiently than men. With this new innovation, work will be easier.

Improves life in Agriculture
In olden days, our fathers used manpower to do everything about farming. Only God could know how strenuous it would be!
Today, machines can do everything in the farmland; and that is the reason a farmer can plant on a land that is more than 100 acres of land.

Improves life In health
Research is going on every time to improve human health.
Many solutions have been found to cure certain diseases that would have killed millions of lives.

Transportation innovation is improving in the world right now. Some years ago, there was nothing like solar cars; today, we hear about solar cars in every part of the world.
In fact, some railway I saw on social media amazed me. I'm still wondering if it was an editing video clip. It is hard for me to believe.

I stand up for success, and success is not achieved by merely making mouth, No room for laziness, no room for idleness. Success comes to the people who are desperately and consciously searching for it. When it seems unsuccessful or you smell failure around you, never discourage yourself from being successful.
“Discouragement and failure are the two surest stepping stones to success.” - Dale
Thank you for reading my post

Posted Using InLeo Alpha

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Web 3 has entirely changed how we work and explore internet. More with implementation of 5G networks future of internet is just getting refreshed. Let's see more innovations in internet era. Have a good day friend. !PIZZA


we believe more is coming to make life better


Web 3 has really enlightened our enjoyment of the Internet and I really appreciate the developers for their efforts to make this a reality


I have seen some of those Web 1.0 websites and aside from the fact that they only provide information with no interactions, they are also very ugly 😅 many people don't even know how the web has progressed today, it's very interesting to see how it has grown over the years and right now we are seeing web 3, maybe in a couple of decades we will see the rise of web 4


you're right... I'm the years to come we may see web4
