Reflecting 100 weeks of memorying in Hive Learners


Reflecting on the 100 weeks of memories shared through the Featured Edition, I'm whisked away on a journey through words, emotions, and revelations. Each blog post is a tapestry of experiences, a narrative spun from the very core of my being. As I sift through these memories, certain posts leap out, resonating with a clarity that time has not dimmed.

A Journey of Happiness and Faith

The post that dances most vividly in my mind is "The Essence of True Happiness." Here, I laid bare my soul, discussing the profound joy found not in material possessions but in the fellowship of faith and community. It’s a testament to the belief that happiness is an experience shared, not bought.

  • Emotionally, I connected with "Blessing in Disguise: When Fear Turns to Faith." This piece was a personal triumph over adversity, where fear transformed into a fortified faith—a narrative that many found solace in, as they traversed their own valleys of fear.

  • "From Childhood Dreams to a Life of Service" is another theme that recurs like a cherished melody. It's a reflection on how early aspirations can evolve into a commitment to service, an evolution that has defined my life's work.

The Challenge of Conveying Equality

On the other end of the spectrum lies the challenge of delving into complex issues like pay equality. My post "Reimagining Pay Equality: A Call for a Living Wage" required me to dive into the depths of socioeconomic discourse, a task that was as daunting as it was enlightening.

  • To tackle such topics, I anchor myself in honesty and a desire to inspire. I write from a place of authenticity, sharing only what I have lived and what I believe can spark change or comfort in others.

The Flow of Authentic Experiences

Contrastingly, the easiest content to compose has been that which flows from fresh experiences, such as "The Unforgettable Drive." The recency of the event poured onto the page, unfiltered and vivid, making it a natural recounting of a moment that left an indelible mark on my life.

Evolution of a Writer

Over these 100 weeks, my writing has transformed, grown, and matured, much like a vine reaching for the sun. The community at Hive Learners has been instrumental in this growth, providing topics that stretch my abilities and compel me to explore new depths of creativity.

Consistent Messages

Throughout my Featured Edition posts, I've strived to weave a consistent thread of optimism and learning. Each post, while unique in its narrative, carries the undercurrent of:

  • Learning: Every experience, whether joyful or challenging, is an opportunity for growth.
  • Inspiration: By sharing our stories, we can light the way for others.
  • Community: We are not solitary travelers; we journey together, stronger in our shared paths.

In conclusion, these 100 weeks have been a pilgrimage through the power of words and the human experience. As I continue to share, learn, and grow, I invite you to join me in this never-ending adventure, where every post is a step, every word a beat, in the heart of our shared humanity.

I hope this post stirs your own memories and encourages you to reflect on the steps you've taken and the paths you've yet to tread. Let's continue to craft our stories together, in the boundless world of Hive.

Disclaimer: All the graphics created by Dall-E


This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called This Is Fraud

Tell us about your experience with a fraudster. Have they ever reached out and tried to scam you before? Were they successful? How did the encounter go for you? How did it affect you? Please share with us.

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


WOW! When fear turns to Faith. I did not get to read that post. This is a great opportunity for me to read it.

We have lately been afraid of so many things. God help us.


I also had difficulties flowing with the eaqual pay task that week, each topic is good but it's left for the author to flow.


I think fear is the part of everyone's life. Fear of loss. But hope to overcome it in great way


It must have really been a period of consistency and determination from your side


I so much admire your consistency. You must have really come a long way to stay through 11 weeks


vine reaching for sun.

What a beautiful imagery that hits my mind. There is no doubt in it that with the help of prompts and stories I also have build my writing skills and ways of expression changed.
