Navigating Life's Lessons: When Parents Are Right and Wrong



Throughout our lives, our parents often serve as our primary guides, offering advice and wisdom based on their experiences. However, as we grow, we realize that while they may often be right, there are times when they can be wrong too.

Reflecting on my own experiences, I've come to appreciate the nuanced role of parental guidance in shaping who we are.

When Parents Were Right: The Wisdom of Experience

I vividly recall instances when my parents' advice, particularly regarding life realities and relationships, was spot on. They cautioned me against marrying too early, emphasizing the importance of setting priorities and focusing on productive activities over fleeting pleasures like video games. This advice stemmed from a place of experience, not superiority. It was their way of helping me avoid the pitfalls they or others they knew had encountered.

The Impact of Heeding Their Advice

Listening to their wisdom helped me navigate through crucial life decisions with a more grounded and forward-thinking approach. It taught me the value of patience, planning, and the pursuit of meaningful goals.


When Parents Were Wrong: The Generation Gap in Technology

However, there were times when my parents' advice didn't quite hit the mark, especially regarding technology. In an era where younger generations are often more adept at navigating the digital world, the technological insights of our parents can sometimes be outdated. This generational gap became apparent when seeking advice on matters like smartphones, social media, or AI.

The Mixed Bag of Parental Advice

While their intentions were always pure, following their guidance in these areas sometimes led to misunderstandings or less efficient solutions. It was a reminder that wisdom doesn't always translate across all domains, especially in our rapidly evolving technological landscape.

Lessons Learned and Moving Forward

These experiences have taught me the value of balancing respect for my parents' wisdom with the recognition that my generation faces a different set of challenges and opportunities. It's about finding harmony between the timeless lessons they offer and the innovative solutions our era demands.

A Personal Reflection

To my readers, I'd say: listen to your parents, value their experiences, but also trust your instincts and knowledge, especially in areas where you might have more current expertise. It's a dance of give-and-take, a process of learning and teaching between generations.

In Conclusion

Our parents, with their wealth of experience, often guide us rightly. Yet, as we grow and the world changes, we also find our paths, sometimes diverging from their advice. It's this beautiful interplay of learning and evolving that makes the journey of life so enriching.

Disclaimer: All the graphics created by Dall-E


This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called Always Right?

Based on experience, it's easy to come to the conclusion that our parents are always right, however, we've seen instances where they're wrong in some instances. Tell us about a time your parents were right and what they did/told you really helped you out. And then, tell us about the time they were wrong and what they did/told you only made things worse for you. Please share with us.

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.

I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


Well said bro! And I totally agree, things and times have changed, the tech has changed the landscape. And as you said, balance is the key.


A lot of the advice parents give come from their own wealth of experience. And as a result, there will be instances when they're spot on! However, in periods when the times have changed, or where the situations are vastly different, the way things were done during their time may defer.
That's why some advices, even if given from a good place end up being a bad idea.


Experience can never bought in the market, we need to build oñ experience of our parent. Yes they may not be right always but we can never look away their advice.


It is very little what our parents know about technology since we were born with it, also in these issues of blockchain they are a little skeptical they see it as something of the devil, it is best to have your own experience as it comes out as it comes out


Couldnt agree more of your opinion. Its the fact that we all live in a very diffent family dynamics and its hard to compare. But what we should always do is respect out parent's opinion, regardless if we agree to it or not, and have our own free will in making decisions in life.


That's all really damn right. I agree with all you said. A respect, care and love all that our parents need from us. Since from childhood and till now they invest everything on their children's specially their efforts and young age in the end we just have to invest ourselves to them.
Yeah sometimes our parents can't understand us but mostly they guide us the right way on that point we can't take it seriously but later on point come when we say that Dad was guiding me right or mom always now the right way. Take respect and love give respect and love .


Our parents are like small gods to us but they are also humans and as such to err is a normal thing. If not for them, we would have made so many irrevocable mistakes but through their experiences we were able to escape . At thesame time, sometimes, in the attempt to trying to protect us, they end up limiting us.

I love your conclusion, listen to your parents, obey them but follow your instincts and knowledge because a man can't be experienced in all spheres of life


The gap between our generations and also, they, failing to realize that the same methods and counsels from their time may not work now, is just the hindrance. A lot of time though, they're correct.


Well my parents couldn't never give me technology advice because I was always ahead of them lol so at least on that they asked me some advice, sometimes they are stubborn and they waste money on things unnecessary but it is their money


There is a huge gap between their time and our era as long as technology is concerned. You are right when you advice that we should take listen to their advice but also never undermine our own expertise.


Both needs to compensate each other. We just need the wisdom to actually deal with it anytime
