A Dual Heritage Journey


In the intricate tapestry of life, each thread weaves through our being, colored by the hues of our heritage, shaped by the hands of our parents. Born into a world where the vibrant energy of the Philippines meets the disciplined calm of Japan, I find myself a unique blend of two distinct cultures, each represented by my parents.

My story is one of dual heritage, a narrative enriched by the contrasting yet complementary traits passed down to me.

From my father, a Japanese businessman with dreams as vast as the Pacific, I inherited the quintessential Japanese trait of resilience.

Despite the geographical and emotional distance that separated us from a tender age, his spirit of perseverance, of rising after each fall, echoes within me. His entrepreneurial journey, marked by ambitious highs and the sobering lows of potential bankruptcy, served as a silent lesson in the art of tenacity.

This resilience has been my north star, guiding me through life's tempests, urging me to push forward when retreat seemed the only option.


On the other hand, my mother, a beacon of industrious energy, gifted me with her relentless work ethic. Her days, a whirlwind of activity from dawn till dusk, showed me that there is dignity in labor and honor in the commitment to one's tasks.

Her hands, never idle, were a testament to the power of staying engaged, of finding purpose in every action, no matter how small. This industriousness, inherited from her, has become a defining feature of my interactions, shaping how I approach challenges and engage with the world around me.

Combining these traits has not been without its challenges. The quiet resilience of my father and the bustling industriousness of my mother at times seemed at odds, creating an internal dialogue between the value of steadfast perseverance and the virtue of constant activity.

Yet, it is within this dialogue that my identity has taken shape, finding a unique rhythm that harmonizes these inherited traits.

As I navigate the waters of my personal and professional life, I often find myself reflecting on these inherited characteristics. The resilience inherited from my father has been a pillar of strength, particularly in moments of doubt and uncertainty.

It has taught me that the foundation of success is not in never falling, but in the courage to rise each time we stumble. My mother's industrious nature has instilled in me a love for productivity, a desire to make the most of each day, which has been invaluable in both my career and personal endeavors.


These traits, once merely inherited, have now become integral to who I am. They are the legacy of my parents, a gift that I cherish and hope to nurture further. As I look to the future, I envision passing on these characteristics to my children, not as mere traits but as a way of life.

I hope to teach them the value of resilience in the face of adversity and the importance of hard work in achieving one's dreams. In doing so, I wish to see these traits evolve, blending with their unique personalities to guide them on their journey through life.

In the end, the story of our lives is not just about where we come from, but also about what we do with the legacy bestowed upon us. It's about taking the resilience and industriousness handed down by our parents and weaving them into the fabric of our own narratives, creating a tapestry that is uniquely ours yet part of a larger, familial design.



This is my participation on topic of Hive Learners called From My Mom And Dad

Apart from looks, tell us one trait or characteristics you got from your father, and then one that you got from your mother. How has this helped you in life? Is this something you enjoy and you would love to pass on to your kids? Let us know.

Who am I?

My name is Hiro a loving husband, a Hiver since 2017, a world explorer, a Hive marketer, a cat lover, and a proud Christian of the MCGI.


I discovered Hive back in 2017 when I was doing my research. My goal on Hive is I want to use the stake power up to be able to help the community. I prayed to God to help me to be able to become a cheerful giver to anyone who is lacking like food, medicine, and livelihood. Hope you can follow my journey


Unfortunately I never had a father, but my mother was such a workhorse that she raised 3 children on her own. So, it follows that I am also a workhorse.

Talking about weaving and tapestry, I will share my favorite poem with you here below.

Weaving our soul’s garments

“We are all busy weavers. Forever are we throwing the
shuttle backward and forward, each moment leaving
one new thread in the web of our life, which shall stay
there forever. Every thought, every feeling, every motion,
every light fancy that plays but for a moment in the soul,
becomes a thread which is instantly a permanent part of the
life we are living. Our words and acts are threads clean and
beautiful or stained and blemished, according to their moral
character. Thus we are forever weaving, and the web that we
make our souls must wear in eternity. How important it is
that we put into this fabric only threads of immortal beauty!
If we do God’s will always, and train ourselves to think over
God’s thoughts, and to receive into our heart the influences of
God’s love and grace, and to yield ever and only to God’s Spirit,
we shall weave for our souls a seamless robe of righteousness
which shall appear radiant and lovely when all earth’s garments
have faded and crumbled to dust.”

(In Green Pastures – JR Miller 1927)




I never grew up knowing my father but well he still plays a crucial role in my life and trust me what I am doing is because of the impact he has made. I only grew up knowing my mother much more but that is just how life is. Some people path is different but nevertheless I am still blessed to have both of them


You are very lucky to have grown up knowing your day trust me because not everyone have that golden opportunity that you have.
