Hey! Have Ya Met...? Introductions for Friday March 8, 2024

Often we get stuck in a rut and tend to only look at what is in our feed; this causes us to miss some amazing posts. What's even worse, we miss those introduction posts of new people who are just not being seen. We decided, because we have felt the same frustration with our introduction, we are going to introduce the people we thought were deserving of your attention.


Our plan is for this to be a daily project, as daily as we can possibly do. However, with us visiting every REAL introduction post and commenting with a short personal message and link to our welcome post we run extremely low on Resource Credits. Please keep watching our posts and see who's out there when we can post a "Have Ya Met...?".

If you would like to help us be able to reach more new Hivians and weed out the real introductions for you, please consider helping us out with your delegation. Every little bit helps us to reach out a hand to those who might not ever be noticed in this big ocean of little fish.




Have ya met @valblesza?


Please take a few moments and view their post and maybe encourage them with a comment and upvote. Visit their post HERE .


Çoğunlukla yalnızca beslememizde ne olduğuna bakma eğilimindeyiz; bu, bazı harika gönderileri kaçırmamıza neden olur. Daha da kötüsü, henüz görülmemiş yeni insanların tanıtım gönderilerini özlüyoruz. Tanıtımımızla aynı hayal kırıklığını hissettiğimiz için ilginizi hak ettiğini düşündüğümüz insanları tanıtacağımız için karar verdik.

Planımız, bunun mümkün olduğu kadar günlük bir proje olması. Bununla birlikte, her GERÇEK tanıtım gönderisini ziyaret edip kısa bir kişisel mesajla yorum yaparak ve karşılama gönderimizde Kaynak Kredimiz son derece düşük. Lütfen gönderilerimizi izlemeye devam edin ve bir "Tanıştınız mı ...?"

Daha fazla yeni Hivian'a ulaşmamıza ve sizin için gerçek tanıtımları çözmemize yardımcı olmak istiyorsanız, lütfen heyetinizle bize yardım etmeyi düşünün. Her küçük parça, bu büyük küçük balık okyanusunda hiç fark edilmeyebilecek olanlara yardım etmemize yardımcı olur.


Tanıştın mı @nanoninja?


Lütfen birkaç dakikanızı ayırın ve gönderilerini görüntüleyin ve belki onları bir yorum ve olumlu oyla teşvik edin. Gönderilerini ziyaret edin YER .


A menudo nos quedamos atrapados en una rutina y tendemos a mirar solo lo que está en nuestro feed; Esto nos hace perder algunas publicaciones increíbles. Lo que es aún peor, echamos de menos las publicaciones de presentación de nuevas personas que simplemente no están siendo vistas. Decidimos, porque hemos sentido la misma frustración con nuestra presentación, vamos a presentar a las personas que pensamos que merecían su atención.

Nuestro plan es que este sea un proyecto diario, tan a diario como sea posible. Sin embargo, con nosotros visitando cada publicación de introducción REAL y comentando con un breve mensaje personal y un enlace a nuestra publicación de bienvenida, nos quedamos muy bajos en Créditos de Recursos. Sigue viendo nuestras publicaciones y mira quién está ahí afuera cuando podamos publicar un "¿Ya conociste ...?".

Si desea ayudarnos a llegar a más Hivians nuevos y eliminar las presentaciones reales para usted, considere ayudarnos con su delegación. Cada poquito nos ayuda a extender una mano a aquellos que quizás nunca se noten en este gran océano de peces pequeños.


¿Alguna vez conociste a @luismusic?


Por favor tómese unos minutos y vea su publicación y quizás aliéntelos con un comentario y un voto positivo. Visita su publicación AQUI .

You've Been.png

Thank you so much for joining @brittandjosie and @jamerussell in this endeavor. We wanted to do our part in helping new people get their introductions noticed. We understand how they must be feeling because we have been exactly where they are. @brittandjosie was very frustrated because she knew she had a very good quality post with little reaction while other "trending" introductions were a poor quality photo and little verbiage. She was so discouraged and heartbroken; this should not happen to anyone. Therefore, we are on the lookout for these people and will do our best to bring them to your attention.

If you would like to see @brittandjosie's introduction post HERE
If you would like to see @jamerussell's introduction post HERE


@theterminal or @heyhaveyamet?
This would enable us to connect and engage with even more new Hive accounts! If so, please contact a Staff member in The Terminal's Discord server or down below in the comments, or by clicking the "quick-delegation" links, below. We appreciate your interest in helping us help others.

Whether one has been on the blockchain for three days or three years, there are always questions! @theterminal, founded in December 2018, is a project that answers questions people have about the workings and etiquette of participating on the Hive blockchain. We answer questions about use of the Discord app, as well. A few users of Hive's 'legacy blockchain' have also sought assistance. Everyone is welcome.

Those who delegate to @theterminal will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

50 HP
100 HP
500 HP
1000 HP
5000 HP
click here
click here
click here
click here
click here

The sister-project to TheTerminal is @heyhaveyamet (HHYM), founded in October 2018 and still going strong. The goal of HHYM is to look through the #introduceyourself posts of those new to the blockchain and welcome the new arrivals and gather links to their introductory posts in a daily curation post. New accounts are carefully checked for effort, plagiarism, and account-farming before being featured.

Those who delegate to @heyhaveyamet will be awarded a "Terminal Supporter" badge on their blockchain profile, the "Patron" role in our Discord server, and our humble gratitude.

50 HP
100 HP
500 HP
1000 HP
5000 HP
click here
click here
click here
click here
click here

To visit The Terminal in Discord, simply click this banner:

to learn more about either of these project blogs, please visit: @heyhaveyamet or @theterminal

To visit the Ladies of Hive in Discord simply click this banner:

Connecting Writers and Readers, one blog at a time
Click the banner for more info about DreemPort:

To join the unique live curation show simply click here:


jr 4/17/2022


Welcome All to hive Community Wishing you the Very Best 🙏


Bendecida tarde amigo @heyhaveyamet necesito un consejo o más bien una ayuda... He realizado mi presentación en Hive y todo salió bien pero en la segunda y tercera publicación no he obtenido votos y han quedado en cero...

Por favor podría decirme que estoy haciendo mal? O donde debo realizar mis publicaciones porque la verdad no entiendo, me perdí 😕🇻🇪
