What Do You Know about Kwili-kwili and the Market in the East?

From the Country which the world knows as the giant of Africa, through one of the states which is the salt of the nation I found myself in the world. I'm an Igbo and Igbo is located east of Nigeria. I can't stop but always talk about how beautiful my beloved country is. Please, this beauty is not in terms of roads and infrastructure although there are beautiful housea all over the country but in terms of food, market and the weather condition.

Most people in Africa travel out of Africa just because of bad governance. My country haven't been left out when we talk about corrupt government which is championed by headless and selfish leaders. We can't true boost of a good government. We can't also boost if good road and infrastructure, but we can boost of something. I love our food and culture. Even street foods can't let me leave my country 😃.

There are so many market in my country but I will focus on the local market in my area. I live in Aba. People normally call Aba the Japan of Africa due to how intelligent people living there is and also due to their hustling spirit. You can't pass two pole in one street and won't find a shop. We focus on doing business. In this post I will like to take you around some few places in the market and also show you some street food you probably did not know. So stick with me as I drive you through.

This particular market is located at call Ehi Road. You can use your Google map to browse and see this road. People there majorly sell fabric of any kind. The sell both that for weeding dress, suit, and that for any other outfit. People from all over the country come to this our local market to buy fabric. The name of the one in the picture is velvet. You can use it to sew women gown or men tracer. People in Aba buy this material a lot because they use it to sew and export to over place like Cotonou, Ghana, and some other Africa countries.

This Market is not restricted to a certain gender. It is both for males and females regardless of their age bracket. Another interesting thing about this market is that you buy goods at a cheaper rate when compared to other places in the country selling the same material. Their price is unbeatable. Fabric are not the only thing which is sold in this market. People also sell footwear of any kind, including shoes. They also sell sewing materials and food.

People in this market make a lot of profit because of the many people who visits this market on a daily basic. To be frank, ranting a shop in this market for a month can cost more than $100, while in other places ranking shop for a month can cost only $20.

Have you seen a shop which sells medical and drinks at the same time? Here is it. This shop is located in a street call Akpuga. Will I called it a pharmacy store? Maybe, but they sell both drugs and drink. Not only drink but some edibles like bread. I couldn't take pics of it because that is someone's shop and not mine.

When we talk about street food I thing that of my area is very different. There is this street food most people in my area like. Should I even call this food?
People normally to quench hunger. This food is mostly sold by the Hausa people in Nigeria. Here is the food.

This foods are bags separately as they are different. We have the one we call Kwili-kwili. This particular one is made with groundnut. The other two are fresh and dried tiger nuts. This are the favorite stress food of may people living here.

Believing I have drive you through our local market, I will now draw the cotton on this tour to a conclusion 😃.

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Thanks for reading 🌹


All pictures are mine.

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


I love the market with so many interesting things in it. 😃

Re: drugs and drinks and food in one place, that's how it is in the US everywhere. Every pharmacy also has food. Of course, they charge a lot more -sometimes double!- than if you went to a supermarket for the same food. I think they are taking advantage of being in the neighborhood where supermarkets are more spread out, and sick people won't want to make multiple stops, but if they are stopping for medicine they might also grab bread and milk, even if it's more expensive, at the same store.


Wow! That cool. I don't know that how it is in the US. Is very rare to see a pharmacy store selling drinks and food. Pharmacies here focus on selling drugs. But the woman where I took that picture sells both drinks, bread, and biscuits.
