Nigerian Educational System is Sick - How Blockchain Technology can Help Cure Her


The world is falling apart and everything seems to be going upsidedown. Businesses are struggling to survive while politicians and centra entities are pocketing the sweat of masses. Life hasn't been all that fair to the average man.

Robert kiyosaki in his book; Rich Dad and Poor Dad state it categorically clear that the rich keep getting richer and the poor poorer.
I think that statement if his is having it true fulfillment in the largest and most populated country in Africa; Nigeria. The rate of poverty heating Africa is so alarming and most people are dying out of hunger.

Nigeria is known around the world for it richness and greatness, but sorry to tell you that we Nigerians knows that our country is only making names outside the country but not in the county. Politicians are surviving by killing the poor. Most major road has potholes in it, but everyday we hear in the radio that all roads have been worked and are not in good condition. Masses keep suffering and taking their lives. These leaders are not only selfish but wicked.

Have you asked yourself why you will find Nigerians in every part of the world you go? Asking yourself this question will help you understand what I'm saying. Everyday hundreds of Nigerians leave Nigeria to other countries for better living. They are tired of the country and has no other options but to leave.

Let's talk about Nigerian Educational System.
Every sector and sub-sector in Nigeria is ill and needs to be restructured. Nigeria Educational System is ill.
I speak and write today is not because of what I learnt in school. No! But because my parents helped taught me and because I also educate myself. From nursery to tertiary institutions in Nigeria always go on strike. I can't even remember how many times we've gone in strike because it is uncountable. Factors resulting to this strike is always workers not receiving their salaries or their salaries are too small.

Teachers should be paid more because thet are really the hands building the pillars of the nation. They shouldn't be owe but unfortunately we see them suffering. We see their money being cease. Politicians and banks are the ones eating the fruit of our labour. The are siphoning public funds and using it for their own betterment. Those working hard are not the one eating the fruit. Can you imagine that a senator's salary in a month is more than a teacher's salary in a year. Which developed country have you ever seen that happened?

We have three months in a term. Imagine going on strike for one month or more than and when the strike is called off you are being give exam to write. Imagine you didn't engage in self educating yourself then you will only finish school low a very low grade. Nigeria is sick and we are very much tired of it.

How Blockchain Technology Can Help Cure Nigeria

Blockchain technology is highly decentralized and utilizes smart contracts to execute it transactions. Over time it have proven to be the solution to some of financial problems we see today.
Blockchain technology over time has proven to be very educating and I think it can help cure Nigeria from some of it corrupt practices.

  • The blockchain technology uses smart contract to execute it transactions. This helps automate payment processes. I think this can help solve the problem of salary delay not even teachers not receiving their salaries at all. Smart contract will disbursed salaries to teachers once the month end and they met the necessary requirements.
    I think with the use of smart contracts those mismanaging teachers money will be laid to rest, and teachers will happily fullfil their duty.

  • Blockchain technology is highly decentralized. This will help involve the teachers in decision not denying them the right to take part in decisions making. This will help teachers air their option which will foster a more inclusive and collaborative effort, and this will help Nigerian Educational System to thrive and avoid always going on strike.

  • Some State in Nigeria deliberately cease teachers salary and refuse to pay them. Blockchain technology can help ensure fast disbursement. This is so because blockchain technology has eliminated the need for intermediaries. So fast go directly to individuals concerned once the met requirements. Central and start government will no longer have access or control over teachers funds. Teachers won't have to wait for their salaries to be approved before they can be paid. Honestly Blockchain technology will drive Nigeria Educational sector to a more transparent start, putting smiles on workers faces.

In conclusion, there are a lot of problems facing Nigeria's Educational System. Most of this problems are fueled by lawless and corrupt leadership championed by headless and selfish leaders. Blockchain technology by it decentralized nature and utilizing Smart contract can help solve some of this challenges.


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