How Inflation is Affecting Most Part of The World

Every day that pass we hear news of how price of goods and food are increasing. This has greatly affected the poor while at the same time affect most rich people. Inflation keeps kill most countries and no one seems to have a solution to this problem.

Many families today are finding it very different to survive. During the COVID-19 people were complaining about the extreme hardship that is heating the world. Today, many prefer to go back to the COVID-19 era. Things are getting bad by day and most people are losing their lives due to extreme hardship.

Most Africans thinks that the African continent is the only continent experiencing inflation. Sorry to tell you today that many if not all countries around the world are experiencing inflation at different levels. The call to end this hardship is being voice out by masses but seems that even the leader are without control of the situation.

Let us talk about the hardship in my country Nigeria.
During the COVID-19 Nigerians were still managing although complaining of hardship. During that time a paint of garri was sold at 500 Naira ($0.4). Although some people died during that time but many survived. After that pandemic we thought things we get better and that the price of food will reduce, but we were just imagining things. After the pandemic the price of garri went high to 750 Naira a pant. The price of food including rice also increased so badly. Serving was then very hard for Nigerians.

I thing the reason before this food shortage and increase in price is due to a small number of people producing food for the country since the country close it border and stopped food importation. Foreign rice has been tag as a country band in my country. Many now eat the local rice that is now very expensive. The price of bean rose from 150 Naira to 350 Naira. Eating the cheapest source of protein is my country is now very hard.

Good is not the only thing that it price has skyrocketed. The price of moto and machine parts has also gone very high and this has greatly affected the price of transaction in my country. Imagine, Before now boarding a byc or motorcycle to going to a close area is not all that expensive, but now no matter where you are going, transport fee is very expensive. The hardship is telling on everything in the country.

Let us talk a little about electric bill. Nigeria is know for it interrupted power supply. Recently the powering holding company of Nigeria was Changed and the current company is really doing great.We are very happy that the government has come in to look into the electricity problem facing the country. Electricity supply has improved from how it was although the price we pay has also increase. We now pay more. Due to the improvement of electricity I think more investors will come into the country especially Abia state which seems to enjoy the light more.

From one country to another hardship is dealing with people in different levels. Majority of people are going from hand to mouth due to high cost of living. Inflation is never a good thing and every country to fight to get ride if it at any cost.

This is part of participate in the Inleo monthly prompt. I will like to invite @joyforme to participate in the Mayinleo


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Second picture gotten from Unsplash

Third picture gotten from Pixabay

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