Weekly Engagement-WK 31: EXCEPTIONAL MEMORIES FROM 2023

Looks like this week is about relieving the activities that happens in 2023 in various prompts both the good the bad and the ugly. Nothing ever comes easy and subsequently we are hit with the good time where everything goes smoothly and you enjoy every moment.there is also the bad times where things just go out of hands and you feel that the world is crashing down at your feet and you find it hard to breath. In all circumstances and situations makes us stronger or otherwise thats why we learn and build up on our excesses.

So as the prompt for the #hiveghana prompt suggest that we should share three(3) memories from 2023 which you hold dear to your heart. It could be a loss, a win or time spent with family. I experienced all of these and would share the ones I will like to put out there.


One exceptional thing I think we achieved as a family in 2023 was the acquisition of a brand new skyrun chest freezer. This was a necessary addition as it was already becoming a difficult stress to keep repairing the old one and it kept developing faults over and over again. It was then I realized that one you start repairing gadgets frequently the probability that it maintains it original functionality is 40%. Again in my country, every household that do not want to be burdened with food storage and maintenance has one of these. The good thing is ever purchasing it, it has really come handy in terms of not having to warm foods everyday, getting cold stuffs and less rotten foods.

Going that the inflation in the naira equivalent to dollars,the price was kind of at the high side. something that should be around 70k to 100k was now going for $170 which is approximately 170k in Nigeria. Hence, this is another issue faced last year as stuffs were extremely overboard with their prices that most people could not afford to buy what they want but either uad to settle for less or just go with the flow.


Another exceptional memory I find worthy of 2023 was the wedding of one of my closest friends,or rather a close family friend to his bae. I was practically available for all the activities that happened ranging from the introductory ceremony where ,the families of both parties meet up and introduce themselves to one another and the guy makes known his intention to marry their daughter. Also, we had the traditional ceremony where the bride price of the lady is paid and this includes several items like engagement rings Yam tuber, bitter kola, honey, basket of fruits, wine, kola nuts, Palm oil, aluminum pot, some clothes and many more I can't remember. It was a Yoruba traditional wedding and it was indeed beautiful.

It was indeed a day of joy and merriment as we had traditional foods served at the wedding,I for one had the traditional pounded yam with egusi soup. The couple is so dear to my heart and wish them nothing but joy and happiness in their journey.

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It’s actually a big win to be able buy an appliance in this economy
You did great.
