Hello hivers

It's another week to rack our brains on the excellent and mind bugging prompts released by the #hiveghana community. Today, I will be discussing on the particular day of the week that happens to be my favorite day. Although all days are important for everyone be it a career woman, a mother, a wife, a sister and aunty and so on. Thinking about it now my favorite day has to be "Friday/Saturday" simply because it's a half day and it's the beginning of the weekend. It marks the beginning of a free time that you can do whatever you like on your own accord.

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Friday marks the beginning of the end of a workweek, I believe it's a day that everyone looks forward to because of the stress we encountered during the workweek. I love Fridays because it gives the feeling of sensations that we are relieved from work even though some of us still have to go to work on Saturdays the feeling 0f the weekend is still there. Even as student, Friday is definitely the best day of the week, because we are free from school hassles and we can do whatever we want.

I love Fridays because it are affords us the opportunity to take a break and go wherever I want. Often times, immediately after work or School, I travel home for the weekend this has been a routine and I am glad that the weekend exists. This day gives us the time and space to travel and attending to occasions. Most times Friday night is always a busy night this is because after a long day or long week at work, friends and colleagues go out late in the evening to wine and dine, connect and enjoy each others company.

The main anticipation of the weekend can alleviate stress, this is the moment people use to take necessary health precautions as against the pressure the faced during the week. As students or workers, it is never easy to wake up in the morning go to work, face all the hurdles still come back home to do some chores before you rest. But on the weekend you are entirely free and you can take on different ways to relax yourself and some of these include going out with friends, dining with family, going to the movies, working out or going to the gym, hanging out in nature parks, organizing picnics, visiting the beach and so on.

Finally, Friday is the best day as it initiates us to planning our activities in preparation for the next week. Somehow it feels as though my post is about the weekend be my best days, no doubt I love me Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays because they are entirely based on my schedule with no intrusion except I allow it. The reason I picked Friday is the fact that is the beginning of the weekend and the string along each other.

Thanks for stopping by my blog

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


It's like we're of the same spirit.😂
I also love Fridays because it markes the end of the week, and giving you the opportunity to refresh yourself for the week coming.
Also gives you give to rest and have time with your family.


That's good day, it's a really good time of the week


Yeah it got to a point I almost felt like you were talking about the weekend in general and not Fridays but that’s understandable because when we hear Friday the only thing that comes to mind is weekend


Friday holds a special place in many hearts as it marks the beginning of the weekend, offering a much-needed break from the stresses of the workweek. It's a time for relaxation, connecting with loved ones, and enjoying various leisure activities. Cheers to the anticipation of Fridays and the freedom they bring!


Thank you so much, Fridays are indeed a good time of the week


Friday is wonderful day to a lot of people. The joy of knowing that the next day is a free, rest day
