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As an African, we literally have meanings for everything that happens around to have something to do with spiritual significance or have a supernatural reason. Before the coming of Christianity in Africa people worshiped gods in their natural forms and had faith in them that they were supernatural beings that listened to their pleas and supplications. This was also significant in the case of animals where specific assignment or roles were accompanied to different kind of animals based on people's culture, tradition and beliefs. This is why we have taboos in some communities where some animals are meant to be killed for particular reasons and others are not supposed to be killed so has not to bring damnation to the community. All of these are very common in Africa specifically Nigeria.

Taking the Yoruba culture for instance, most animals are used to reflect human characters and behaviors. While some are used to represent the particular traits human beings possess others are used for religious and spiritual purposes such as divination, sacrifices, upholding destinies and so on. When we were young there was this common stories we heard about the tortoise also called ijapa in Yoruba language, in the history of Yoruba folklore it is believed that the tortoise is one of the wisest animals on planet Earth. In most stories we see how the tortoise is referred to as the wisest and most cunning trickiest animal going by stories of how he would brilliantly scam his fellow animals to make it to the top. This animal is used to describe some people through the use of Proverbs or adages for instance the fact that the tortoise is slow in movement does not deprive it from being wise, determined, cunny and persistent. It significance therefore is that no matter the hurdles we face in life people can still make it with regardless.

There's a popular culture in the Yoruba land where they dominantly eat dog meat. During the ancient festival called ogun festival in ondo state dog meat is usually sacrifice because it is known to be the preferred meat of the ogun worshipers. Why sacrificing dogs to this god is of the belief that he would answer the prayers of his worshipers Grant them long life, success in their businesses, upliftment, ward of evil, calamities and impurities from the land and the people in general. This festival happens every year it has never been missed and as usual dogs are always being sacrificed on this day and on every other day as well.

Finally we have the leopard this is an animal that is well revered in the Yoruba Kingdom because it is known as an emblem for warriors, these animal is signified to represent strength and courage in the face of adversity and war. When we watch movies we see leaders of soldiers or people going to war where the animal skin around your shoulder or their loins.

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